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$119 ( regular price)…on SALE .. for $79.98 😳
Is everyone but me … spending that kind of money on a pair of jeans?
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I would but my size is gone in the color I wanted.  Boo-hoo.

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@c yn wrote:
$119 ( regular price)…on SALE .. for $79.98 😳
Is everyone but me … spending that kind of money on a pair of jeans?

I have several pairs of NYDJ jeans.  The best jeans I've ever worn.  Nothing else comes close.  So yes, I have spent that much and more. 

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Not me.  I find Lucky and Democracy jeans at TJ Maxx for $35 or less.

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NYDJ and Laurie Felt jeans -- the best looking & fitting jeans on me that I've ever worn.  I have multple pairs of each brand. 

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79.98 is a great price for nydj considering they usually are over 100.00. Lots of b&m stores jeans are in line with the 80 dollar price tag. Some less expensive, some more. Depends on were you go.
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I bought them once when they were a TSV last year, they have a lot of stretch but did nothing for figure except make my bum look flat. I look better in Wallflower or Democracy Jeans
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@c yn   A lot of people seem to buy jeans at that price.  I'm retired and I won't/can't!  Have you tried JCPenney (a.n.a. brand and St. John's Bay brand)?  


I have purchased Denim & Co. jeans (2 pairs this year) when they were on clearance and they are really cute and I love them!  But the price was much more to my budget on clearance, so that is why I could purchase.  


I do not care for what I have seen when they show NYDJ on Q. I don't like the fit look on the models of all sizes.  I don't know, but I just don't like the look of the jeans on.  


I love Kim Gravel's jeans, but again, alas I cannot afford them. But I like to look! Smiley LOL

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I have a few pairs of NYDJ that I purchased as TSVs in the last few years.  I have to say, I don't even wear them.  They aren't all that they are hyped up to be (for my body).  There is no way I could size down like they say and they don't move comfortably on my body.  I have been tempted to try again, but I think of the pairs I have sitting in my closet and they are an easy pass for me.


Yes, I think they are too expensive, but I'd be willing to pay the price to have a pair of jeans that I loved and wore a lot.  These aren't it for me.

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@Caaareful Shopper 


I agree with Laurie Felt's jeans.  They are amazing!    I have at least 8 pairs and find them to be comfortable and flattering.  They hold up well and they don't start to "bag" as the day goes on.  I scooped up a few more pairs before she retired.  She had really nice clothing.