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I would like to see more fashions for older women.  I am nearly 70 and all the frills, flutter sleeves, rufflles, tiers, are not for me.  How about more tailored styles like Linea?  I sure do miss his line!  

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

QVC offers so many options, ie,  from Susan Graver, Joan Rivers, Women with Control, Isaac Mizrahi, Denim and Company, Barefoot Dreams, Quacker Factory Kim Gravell.  In fact, almost every vendor offers something that a 70+ year old woman could very easily wear.

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

Linea is gone forever probably because it was stale and not selling well.  It seems to me that there are plenty of other lines to take up the slack.


I, too, am a senior and I want to wear modern styles done in modern fabrics. I want age-appropriate stylish clothing.   I don't want to dress like a little old lady because I'm not there mentally and probably never will be.

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

[ Edited ]

I also think there are many choices for women of all ages.   Many lines to choose from.


I'm a senior as well and I find many stylish and fun things to wear on the Q. 

Louis line was never my style.  Seemed old fashioned to me.

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

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QVC pushes trends, the reason why you see so much of them. 


For a tailored look at QVC, see Susan Graver's straight pants, plain tops, and blazers. Be prepared for polyester, though.  Joan Rivers pants and shirts.  


None of them are Louis Dell'Oleo, though.  Not sure shoppers will ever see anyone like him again.  He was classy and stood out from all the other boring designers.  



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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

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Not that I'm disagreeing....but my last Linea purchase was a frilly blouse with ruffles on the sleeves, shoulders, and the neckline! I'll keep it forever because it's a Linea. I recommend Susan Graver and Joan Rivers. Like anywhere else, you'll need to "shop" the lines until you see something you like.  The Q is like shopping anywhere else in that respect. It takes a lot of looking!

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

I think style has changed drastically in the last few years.  Not much tailored stuff anymore.  Everything is more laid back and casual.  Does mature mean no jeans and tshirts?  Then count me as immature.  But I don't dress like my granddaughters either, no rips or belly showing. 😄

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

@bargainsgirl wrote:

I would like to see more fashions for older women.  I am nearly 70 and all the frills, flutter sleeves, rufflles, tiers, are not for me.  How about more tailored styles like Linea?  I sure do miss his line!  




I find your comments surprising .... QVC has lots of the "classics".  Tailored, nothing fussy, simple lines.


Of course, they also have to update their fashion lines every season, hence the frills, flutter sleeves and whatnot.  Things they can call "new" this season.  


There are a lot of the "classics" on their website, even if  theses styles don't get full hours of airtime. 


Do a little searching.

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

I think "mature" fashion is a hard category to narrowly define.


I was shopping in Athleta and as I was checking out, I said to the clerk "Am I your oldest customer?" She didn't know what to say.

I was trying on yoga type pants. I asked for the next size up. I can fit into that size but for my age(75) it would be more appropriate for the fit to be less body conscious.


 I don't buy a lot of clothing from Q bc I find most of it too "mature" looking. 

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Re: Fashions for "mature" women

[ Edited ]

I'm not much younger than you and I don't dress up ever. I don't own a dress or skirt.  My daily wardrobe is jeans or shorts and a tee. I could if I wanted to find lots of clothes from QVC to wear. I choose not to because the sizing can be wonky sometimes and returns are expensive. I tend to buy my clothes from Costco, LLBean and Lands End.