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Registered: ‎02-02-2011

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

So much for your hosts telling everyone that we are all a big family. 


Posts: 52
Registered: ‎12-27-2016

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

Not only is it not live, but back to back repeat on Gravel show - terrible. Instead of over extending their resources with multiple channels and the accumulation of HSN, maybe they should focus on the return of quality. Quality hosts, quality product, quality delivery etc. They have dropped many unique designers over the years and we are left with a lot of the same design selections. What happen to lines like Bradley Bayou, Koos, Precious Fibers? A variety of styles would be nice!

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Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

@findingnemo, I agree with you 100%.Sick of several hours back to back of TS on HSN overnight and half a day everyday on "reruns" on Q2. Why even bother even having those other channels if it's just the same shows you just had on the other channel. I don't get Q3 so I have no idea what that's even about. 

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Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

I had to stop and check what channel I was watching in the middle of the night.  I do some of my best shopping in the middle of the night but not if this keeps up.


This new CEO or someone is making some really REALLY BAD Decisions.


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

I would have preferred that they cut out one or more of their "auxiliary" channels as a way to cut costs.  And bring back some of those great hosts who have been relegated to QVC2 (Katie and Gabrielle, for example) to the main channel.

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Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

I think the shopping channels are in trouble; thus they are cutting costs everywhere they can.  It will be interesting to see how long they even stay in business.  Hosts make big salaries, maybe that is where they need to save.  They all seem to have beach houses and they are big bucks.  Even the vendors talk about their beach houses.  Beach houses in NJ are very expensive; average salaries cannot afford them.  I mention NJ because I live here and they are accessible to QVC employees who live in nearby PA.

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Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

They started this ****** on HSN and now QVC is starting to show previously recorded shows all night.  My thought is that their market is shrinking and their profits are way down due to slow shipping, cost of returning items, quality of items and higher prices on clothing, etc. Pretty soon they will have to change their name because QVC no longer stands for Quality, Value and Convenience.


Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎09-10-2013

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

Not too many ppl happy and I join them. If i want to watch recorded dead television I'll turn on paid programming. I do most of my shopping while laying in bed in my downtime. If it remains this way I will not be making any more purchases. I don't buy from a recording. 

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎02-02-2011

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

In in mountain standard time and go til 7 am before it's live again, I have been up for 3to4hours by then so if they want to lose customers they are doing a good job at it, my days are busy and don't watch a lot so middle of the night was perfeeffect for me,  get my easy pays done and will not do as much, qvc is making a big mistake. I don't watch hs n because of all of this, very disappointing.






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Posts: 13,320
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

I am sure this is a cost cutting move...if you think of programing 24/7 on the 'regular' channel and then some live broadcast on Q2...that has to cost a lot of money!  


I don't understand why they hired so many new hosts.  I would have hated to uproot my family for a new job and then things change at the Q and you lose your job!


I was awake last during the TSV Loop....why only TSV progrmming, that makes no sense at all.....I am shocked that they didn't rebroadcast a few gift shows.