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Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

I know I'm late to the party, but PLEASE stop the automatic videos (with sound) when I go and look at the product.  It's something else I have to do to go and stop the thing....  


One of the great reasons for going on line is that you don't have to watch or hear the presentation unless you want to.... that is until QVC decided to change this.  It's annoying, it makes me leave the product...   


Go back to the way it used to be.  Offer the video (with sound) and if we want to watch it, we sure will.... however please remember that a lot of customers do their shopping on line in order to get away from the on air presentations... but allow us to access it if and when we want to.



*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

There is a button on the page that you can turn it off.

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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!



I do turn it off as soon as it comes on, but resent having to do even that..... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

@Q4u  Right underneath the video there is a box for "play video automatically."  Just uncheck it and it won't play unless you initiate it.  This will stay unless you change it back.

Laura loves cats!
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Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

@2blonde wrote:

@Q4u  Right underneath the video there is a box for "play video automatically."  Just uncheck it and it won't play unless you initiate it.  This will stay unless you change it back.

YES!  Yes, yes and yes!  Thank you.... a permanent off switch.... I did not know that and appreciate your telling me... Woman LOL



*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎07-27-2010

Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

May not a permanent solution afterall, Q4U. I've kept the option to automatically play videos "unchecked" for quite a while. Today, however, videos are playing automatically despite the box being clearly "unchecked"..... 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

I have disabled videos on my browser but depending on the format that QVC uses, that doesn't always work. I dislike having automatic videos too as I will play it if I want to. I prefer to see a photo first.

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Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

[ Edited ]

The suggestion to just uncheck the video box only lasts for a short while on my computers or devices.  After some unseen point in time, the videos automatically start playing again. 


Then to add to my frustration, if I try to look at an item on my phone or tablet, the automatic video loading happens there as well, so they keep loading over and over and over again upon using various devices.  Yes, I can click onto any photo and the loading will stop, but only AFTER the video has already started loading and slowing down the whole process, and using data.  


I have many complaints about this website, but QVC's decision to auto-load the videos is their worst decision yet IMO.  It is what I consider to be the least user-friendly website feature, among many, when considering the fact that customers' internet speeds may vary greatly, as well as their data usage plans.  

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Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

The option to turn off automatic playing of videos is stored as a cookie on your device.  If you clear all cookies then the instruction has to be initiated again.


If you use a program such as CCleaner you can save individual cookies so they won't be cleared when CCleaner is run and the option to clear cookies has been selected.  The option to clear cookies and other components is individually set for each browser.


Versions are available for most operating systems.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Automatic videos! Please Stop!!

So far... so good!  Thanks for the great info!  Woman LOL

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*