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Don't want this to sound mean in any way, as I LOVE her clothes and do not know what I would do without them.......but  if she isn't able to tone it down and also stop shaking the clothes constantly......I think I might have to stop watching her. I turn off the sound because it is beyond irritating but I can't hide the shaking.......Tell her I love her BUT!!!!!!


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I don't think she will ever change so you'll have to learn to love it! There have been more posts about this subject than any other, IMO, and TPTB haven't done anything so I wouldn't hold my breath!

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This is the subject of threads all the time here.... I've watched Susan for over 20 years and yes, she seems to have a good heart and is a nice person but she isn't anywhere near as calm and enjoyable to watch as she was back then.  


Maybe because QVC owns her line and has told her to "sell it".... but there are many of us who just can't watch her anymore.  And without a doubt QVC is aware of how some of us feel but she apparently sells very well and that's all that matters.  QVC will not rock any sales boat.....


*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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I like her (and her clothing line) just the way she is.  If I don't like a clothing line (like Logo), I just don't watch.  Easy solution for me.

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@Krimpette wrote:

I like her (and her clothing line) just the way she is.  If I don't like a clothing line (like Logo), I just don't watch.  Easy solution for me.

Very true, I do that with Logo and Rinna.  But it's really hard to do when you like the line, would like to find something and she is in her dancing, yakking, singing, kicking, hair flipping, constant moving mode and won't let the host talk.... you want to find somelthing but you just can't stand it long enough to watch.....   

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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I agree and Rick does the same selling jewelry to highlight the sparkle. It's irritating because you can't get a good look at it being jiggled about. What do they think we are like dogs with a bone we want? The shaking doesn't tempt us Q!

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I love her enthusiasm! Her excitement doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, I find she puts me in a better mood for shopping. Much better than some vendors, on other channels as well, who are very blah and boring. I hope she never changes.

F/N/A luvstogarden
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It makes me nervous to watch her.  Hardly a relaxing shopping experience.

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Registered: ‎10-26-2010

I have to agree...Susan definitely makes me nervous with all her constant talking (and I mean talking over the host mostly) and flitting all over the place, going over to the models and adjusting them...I'm thinking maybe she drinks caffeine before going on air?


I do like her and her work ethic is very admirable, but I just think she's too hyper when on air.  Too bad she can't just "bring it down a couple notches"...I wonder if she would notice how she is if she watched herself on tape?  Then again, maybe not?!!!

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I admire her enthusiasm and have had good luck with a lot of her clothing over the years.   I just wish she would learn to calm down and let the host show the COLORS before she jumps into the "this top is EVERYTHING!!!" talk.  Smiley Very Happy