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A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

I've been thinking of having a re-cap of the fashion items at the end of each fashion show.


Take a few minutes to show photos of the  items that were presented, with price and Item number of each item.


Many times I missed 75 percent of a show, and wish the host would briefly list the items, just so I can view what I might have been interested in ordering.


Just recently I ran across another fashion network, and they listed and showed photos of their previously presented items in their show.


Which prompted me to 'look up' a couple of those items online.


Also, I do believe, but not sure, that the Q used to re-cap items recently aired at the end of each fashion show.


'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

ShopHQ usually does a recap and I agree it is a good idea.

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Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show



I agree with you.  Years ago, I remember when they'd do a preview of the items at the beginning of the show too.  Now, they act as if the upcoming items are a big secret or something!  That's just silly!

Having a recap at the end would sure be good too.  Helpful to customers and the Q.  I'm sure it would help with sales.😃

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Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

Yes, QVC many years ago did do re-caps and I really liked that. 


My thought is that they went away from that as most people can now go to the website and view the "recently on air" category.

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Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

Q used to do this years back but discontinued the practice. Maybe they think customers will skip watching and just wait and until the end? Many do that anyway and go to "items aired "on line.


I also like  to see the coordinating items that accompany an item. Now one has to search or try to catch the coordinating item number when showing on air.  Sometimes I give up and lost sales.. The coordinating items may not even be in the show? They also no longer do that. It was convenient.

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Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show


@ROMARY wrote:

I've been thinking of having a re-cap of the fashion items at the end of each fashion show.


Take a few minutes to show photos of the  items that were presented, with price and Item number of each item.


Many times I missed 75 percent of a show, and wish the host would briefly list the items, just so I can view what I might have been interested in ordering.


Just recently I ran across another fashion network, and they listed and showed photos of their previously presented items in their show.


Which prompted me to 'look up' a couple of those items online.


Also, I do believe, but not sure, that the Q used to re-cap items recently aired at the end of each fashion show.


@ROMARY.  The used to have a preview and a summary years ago.  Then they got "items recently aired" and it was no longer necessary as everyone could go online and review the whole show.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

Agree with @Kachina624.  Just go to program guide, press show your interested in, items on air & they all show up. There's your recap. You can watch the video of items again too if you can't decide. 

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎07-18-2010

Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

Before computers they did a preview and a post view of all the items in the show. Wastes time today. I guess its a problem if you don't have a computer but even if Im watching on tv, I purchase thru my computer/phone. "Items recently on air" shows all the items in the show currently on each of the 3 channels. No reason to review them live really. 

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Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

[ Edited ]

@ROMARY - For whatever reason, they must not want to repeat items from fashion shows; they often have recaps of items in cooking and food shows, and I've also seen recaps at the end of single-vendor shows on QVC2, so this would certainly not be a new concept for anyone. And I've seen quite a few instances when they recap One Time Only deals or expiring offers at the end of all kinds of shows.

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Registered: ‎01-04-2014

Re: A re-cap of fashion items at end of show

If they recapped during the fashion shows that would leave less time for the "entertainment" frivolity.