Occasional Contributor
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎08-25-2016

We always look forward to shopping on QVC (esp. in July).   One suggestion re: Bethlehem Christmas faceted lights:  Since the Fall holidays are so close, why not add Autumn & Halloween colors to the Christmas pastels on the same Christmas trees, wreaths, swags, & garlands?  Add green for St. Patrick’s Day, red for Valentine’s Day, RWB 4th of July.  Keep the 6-hour on/18-off timer with D-cell batteries.  This would make Bethlehem unique and excel above the competition.  The holidays are rushed as it is, and this would make decorating earlier more relaxing for entertaining. 


  Also, years ago, we bought a Christmas tree with lovely icy snow crystals on the branches with a tree top plug-in for an Angel.   I believe our QVC friend Valerie Parr Hill made that tree.  Any chance of reproducing another one?  Please keep us posted.  Thanks!  

P.S.   {{Hugs}} to David Venable. 

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Posts: 3,958
Registered: ‎11-20-2010

@Tronx  This is a good idea. Perhaps a few less choices would be more managable.  We have the clear, the classic Christmas colors and the pastels for Easter/Spring,


Adding Fall colors and Red, White, Blue to take care of Memorial Day, July 4 and Summer would make this  a 4 season wreath.  I would leave off Green for St Pat and red for Valentine as they are just one-day holidays.

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Posts: 9,063
Registered: ‎05-15-2014

It is a good idea and was actually mentioned by a caller during the BL show yesterday.

I do feel though, the more stuff they try to add to these wreaths (like everything else) the more risk of the product failing.  JMO

Super Contributor
Posts: 271
Registered: ‎11-17-2012

I would love a harvest color light set from Bethlehem Lights. 


I would also like for them to go back to the original battery boxes. I have such difficulty opening the new battery boxes that I no longer use the plastic clips.  I just secure the boxes with rubber bands.