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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

@BlueFinch wrote:


@kaydee50 wrote:

The emotional roller coaster of the past 2 weeks would be enough reason to break down in tears.  As a matter of fact, I cried when I read about Kamila losing the gold medal.  IMO, she was told to skate poorly so that her teammates could receive the medals.  Kamila is by far the best figure skater in the world and what has happened to her is criminal.  Her coaches should be sent to Siberia.



Kamila is such a fantastic skater, and just a fragile kid in my eyes, who was essentially abused. It was difficult to watch what she was put through, knowing that her coaches were (no doubt) the ones pushing cardiac endurance enhancing meds, when it likely was so unnecessary for such an outstanding athlete. It's hard for me to believe Kamila would have been dosing herself, without coaches involvement. I doubt she even understood what she was taking.


And, what could those cardiac drugs do to a young woman who didn't need them over time? They robbed her of the gold and even threatened her health. 


With the negative press and pressure placed on her, I don't know how she could even get out on the ice. Sadly after her last bad performance, she was scolded on her exit from the rink for giving up. Who wouldn't. I'd vote for the coaches to get a ride to Siberia, too.


But, the authorities failed, too, in handling the situation. She should have been banned instead of going through such emotional distress. She's young and could come back another day. Now her spirit is broken.

@BlueFinch I know.  I couldn't believe it - it looked like her coaches were yelling at her once she got off the ice.  What a horrible experience for her to go through, so publicly too.  I would love it if she moved to the USA for training and represented USA in the next Olympics.

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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

@Puppy Lips,

I was just thinking that too!

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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

Oh contrar.  If we're talking about tears here is a picture of the 1998 figure skating winners with the bronze medal winner Lu Chen crying.  Maybe it's the Chinese way of showing happiness as someone else mentioned:


China's Lu Chen.jpg



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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

Sorry if a repeat, I haven't had a chance to read all the replies. Watching something on TV Ashely Wagner who I think was figure skater was talking to another woman whose name I don't recall. They showed the gold medal winner sitting all alone, hugging a stuffed animal, NO ONE around her, not her coaches, trainer, no one.


ALL the attention was directed at the prima donna 2nd place skater who was and I quote "having a hissy fit and getting all the attention because she was upset that she came in second."


I felt so sorry the gold medal winner who had no one there with her. She looked really sad and miserable. But the Prima Donna was getting all the attention which I am sure was her intention.


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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

Any major network news report will give you the FULL STORY

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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

Bullies like Russia have been "skating" by for years because people are afraid to stand up to them.  And so it goes. 


I see no use at all in the Olympics in this day and age. 

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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

There was an interview with Scott Hamilton and he said "they" should get her out of there.  Outside of her parents I don't think anyone has the power to "get her out of there."  Yes, it would be great if she moved here, great for us, anyway.  

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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

That was bizarre watching all of that last night.  They should change the minimum age for competing.  What they have are 14 and 15 year olds competing with adults.  

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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome

@BlueFinch wrote:


@kaydee50 wrote:

The emotional roller coaster of the past 2 weeks would be enough reason to break down in tears.  As a matter of fact, I cried when I read about Kamila losing the gold medal.  IMO, she was told to skate poorly so that her teammates could receive the medals.  Kamila is by far the best figure skater in the world and what has happened to her is criminal.  Her coaches should be sent to Siberia.



Kamila is such a fantastic skater, and just a fragile kid in my eyes, who was essentially abused. It was difficult to watch what she was put through, knowing that her coaches were (no doubt) the ones pushing cardiac endurance enhancing meds, when it likely was so unnecessary for such an outstanding athlete. It's hard for me to believe Kamila would have been dosing herself, without coaches involvement. I doubt she even understood what she was taking.


And, what could those cardiac drugs do to a young woman who didn't need them over time? They robbed her of the gold and even threatened her health. 


With the negative press and pressure placed on her, I don't know how she could even get out on the ice. Sadly after her last bad performance, she was scolded on her exit from the rink for giving up. Who wouldn't. I'd vote for the coaches to get a ride to Siberia, too.


But, the authorities failed, too, in handling the situation. She should have been banned instead of going through such emotional distress. She's young and could come back another day. Now her spirit is broken.

I agree and would go further: I'd classify it as child abuse, brazenly committed by the supremely selfish adults who mishandled her to advance their own interests instead of nurturing, supporting, and caring for her as a human being first and foremost.  And that includes the IOC, which like the others made tons of money off of her.  Sickening.

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Re: Ladies figure skating outcome
