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Registered: ‎08-30-2013

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

{#emotions_dlg.blushing} {#emotions_dlg.scared} {#emotions_dlg.blush} {#emotions_dlg.ohmy} {#emotions_dlg.blink} {#emotions_dlg.blushing} {#emotions_dlg.huh}

I SEE YOU stevieb and TK!!! How embarrassing!!! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Home already from an early dinner out with Mr. Lily and sister and her family at a tore-up, old-timey place with GREAT Chinese food and Tiki guys everywhere. We like to go out early on New Year's Eve to get home safely before any wild drivers get going on the roads...


Best wishes to all of you as we start 2015!!! Kiss

And may everyone enjoy their beautiful handbags -- new and old!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Valued Contributor
Posts: 3,846
Registered: ‎04-22-2014

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

On 12/31/2014 EdithEllenLily said:

{#emotions_dlg.blushing} {#emotions_dlg.scared} {#emotions_dlg.blush} {#emotions_dlg.ohmy} {#emotions_dlg.blink} {#emotions_dlg.blushing} {#emotions_dlg.huh}

I SEE YOU stevieb and TK!!! How embarrassing!!! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Home already from an early dinner out with Mr. Lily and sister and her family at a tore-up, old-timey place with GREAT Chinese food and Tiki guys everywhere. We like to go out early on New Year's Eve to get home safely before any wild drivers get going on the roads...


Best wishes to all of you as we start 2015!!! Kiss

And may everyone enjoy their beautiful handbags -- new and old!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

....yet, no comment on the number of bags in her collection Smiley Wink Happy New Year!!! I'm about to order some pizza and enjoy a quiet evening at home with my cat... don't really care for big crowds or parties either...
Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,085
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

I'm so upset! I caved in yesterday morning and ordered the Coach Smythe Bag in the light pink when I realized it was on sale. I placed the order in the morning and it went through. I even received an email confirmation. Late yesterday evening I received an email saying that it was out of stock. But it continued to show as being in stock on their website until this morning.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 66,440
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

On 1/1/2015 Boehm Collecter said:

I'm so upset! I caved in yesterday morning and ordered the Coach Smythe Bag in the light pink when I realized it was on sale. I placed the order in the morning and it went through. I even received an email confirmation. Late yesterday evening I received an email saying that it was out of stock. But it continued to show as being in stock on their website until this morning.

Gosh that ticks me off when it happens and it increasingly seems that retailers aren't able to effectively manage their inventory... As I've noted before, I'm no longer ordering from L&T because the last two bags I ordered from them were precipitously cancelled by them because they lacked stock and yes, in both cases, the bags continued to be shown on their website for weeks... You honestly have to wonder if they oversell on purpose just to make sure they sell as much as they can and to heck with the customers they leave NOT holding the bag, and disappointed...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
Honored Contributor
Posts: 66,440
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

On 12/31/2014 tough_kitty said:
On 12/31/2014 EdithEllenLily said:

{#emotions_dlg.blushing} {#emotions_dlg.scared} {#emotions_dlg.blush} {#emotions_dlg.ohmy} {#emotions_dlg.blink} {#emotions_dlg.blushing} {#emotions_dlg.huh}

I SEE YOU stevieb and TK!!! How embarrassing!!! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Home already from an early dinner out with Mr. Lily and sister and her family at a tore-up, old-timey place with GREAT Chinese food and Tiki guys everywhere. We like to go out early on New Year's Eve to get home safely before any wild drivers get going on the roads...


Best wishes to all of you as we start 2015!!! Kiss

And may everyone enjoy their beautiful handbags -- new and old!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

....yet, no comment on the number of bags in her collection Smiley Wink Happy New Year!!! I'm about to order some pizza and enjoy a quiet evening at home with my cat... don't really care for big crowds or parties either...

Yes, I do think EEL is avoiding the central issue here and not very subtly, I'd say...


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
Honored Contributor
Posts: 66,440
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

On 12/30/2014 tough_kitty said: Stevie, you should just remove the "holiday" from your question Smiley Wink LOL.

Yes, now maybe a better question would be who's returning what they got in order to get a new bag and what new bag is it going to be!


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
Honored Contributor
Posts: 66,440
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

Incidentally, the green Issac bag I started this thread with was purchased as-is and arrived in perfect condition... Still, it might be going back... I was shopping the closet and discovered I already have a green Issac satchel... Granted, it's a different green Issac satchel (thank heaven for that, at least) but I'm not sure I need two!


Really, really need to do that full inventory...


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
Super Contributor
Posts: 305
Registered: ‎11-19-2013

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

On 1/2/2015 stevieb said:
On 12/30/2014 tough_kitty said: Stevie, you should just remove the "holiday" from your question Smiley Wink LOL.

Yes, now maybe a better question would be who's returning what they got in order to get a new bag and what new bag is it going to be!


On New Year's Eve, I purchased a MK Hamilton N/S Tote in Brown Croco {#emotions_dlg.wub}

I didn't pay retail for it, but it was still pricey. So, I'm thinking about selling my orYANY Victoria hobo. It's a great bag, just too small for me.

My New Year's Resolution is NO MORE handbags. We'll see how that goes... {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

I need to buy clothes, especially nice tops/blouses for work. I have plenty of handbags and shoes.


Honored Contributor
Posts: 66,440
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

On 1/2/2015 rdiazMiami said:
On 1/2/2015 stevieb said:
On 12/30/2014 tough_kitty said: Stevie, you should just remove the "holiday" from your question Smiley Wink LOL.

Yes, now maybe a better question would be who's returning what they got in order to get a new bag and what new bag is it going to be!


On New Year's Eve, I purchased a MK Hamilton N/S Tote in Brown Croco {#emotions_dlg.wub}

I didn't pay retail for it, but it was still pricey. So, I'm thinking about selling my orYANY Victoria hobo. It's a great bag, just too small for me.

My New Year's Resolution is NO MORE handbags. We'll see how that goes...{#emotions_dlg.unsure}

I need to buy clothes, especially nice tops/blouses for work. I have plenty of handbags and shoes.


There you go RD, kicking off the New Year right!

As for the no more... well, yes, we'll see...


In my pantry with my cupcakes...
Super Contributor
Posts: 305
Registered: ‎11-19-2013

Re: new holiday bags anyone...?

On 1/2/2015 stevieb said:
On 1/2/2015 rdiazMiami said:
On 1/2/2015 stevieb said:
On 12/30/2014 tough_kitty said: Stevie, you should just remove the "holiday" from your question Smiley Wink LOL.

Yes, now maybe a better question would be who's returning what they got in order to get a new bag and what new bag is it going to be!


On New Year's Eve, I purchased a MK Hamilton N/S Tote in Brown Croco {#emotions_dlg.wub}

I didn't pay retail for it, but it was still pricey. So, I'm thinking about selling my orYANY Victoria hobo. It's a great bag, just too small for me.

My New Year's Resolution is NO MORE handbags. We'll see how that goes...{#emotions_dlg.unsure}

I need to buy clothes, especially nice tops/blouses for work. I have plenty of handbags and shoes.


There you go RD, kicking off the New Year right!

As for the no more... well, yes, we'll see...


So far, so good...
