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Good grief. I can't believe anyone would have such a strong aversion to feet that they can't stop posting about it. Maybe there's some kind of treatment that would help.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010
On 1/18/2015 Cas said:

I'm 75 years old and I use the emjoi every few days and keep
my toenails cut and polished. I see my feet and I need to keep them
neat as long as I'm able to!

Cas, it's one thing to use it at home, quite another to see the product demonstrated on air. I think it is unsanitary and should only be sold online not on Live TV.
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On 10/6/2014 jeffie24 said: I'm 63 and my feet look the same as they did when I was 30!!
Same here ! They are the only part of me that could pass for twenty something (:
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Several years ago, some self-professed fashion gurus proclaimed that stockings were passé. As a result, we have seen women in evening gowns and men in tuxedos wearing fancy and expensive shoes with no hose. To me that is gross and undressed. The feet sweat, the shoes stink, and the whole idea makes no sense. I think this has trickled down even to QVC's shoe presentations. I feel like I'm channeling The Emperor's New Clothes, but to me those sockless presentations are all wrong, and an extreme turnoff.
Posts: 47
Registered: ‎02-06-2021

theres  nothing wrong with Janes feet so what shes trying to show the shoes on a foot