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Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

This is my first Dooney and I can't get the key clip open so I can remove the key fob. I've never had a bag with a dog leash... do I attach my key ring to the fob? I wanted to be able to remove my keys easily with the key clip for times I don't carry my bag. I LOVE my bag and don't want to send it back for another one so I'm not sure what to do.
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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

Wierd. I've never had that happen. I suppose the slider could be stuck. As for your other question, I'm not sure I understand. The only purpose of the key keeper is to make your keys easier to find in your purse. You just open the lock and attach your key ring when you keep your keys in your purse. It's not like you're going to drive your car with the keys attached to your purse lol.

As far as sending it back, I don't always use my key keeper, it depends on the bag. Some of my Dooney's have outside pockets that I find preferable to keep my keys in, and some of them don't. So I only use it on the ones that don't.

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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

You may choose to use the fob or not. If you have one you like better, you should use it. Any kind of key ring should work with the dog leash key keeper.

You may choose to use the dog leash key keeper or not. If you think you'd definitely like to use it, I would absolutely send it back if it doesn't open. Have you tried pushing the plunger really hard. It may have an initial "stickiness" that might correct itself if you can get it open the first time.

I use the key keeper, so if I received a bag with one that doesn't open, I would send it back as "defective" so as to get my shipping charges back.

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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

Why would you keep an expensive bag with a defect? If you really love it, request an exchange.
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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

I have a new bag and its key keeper is a little sticky. Working it has loosened it. You might try that.
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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

Lol I can see that... driving with your keys in your purse... but I do because our car is keyless. It has push button start.

On 3/5/2015 jaxs mom said:

Wierd. I've never had that happen. I suppose the slider could be stuck. As for your other question, I'm not sure I understand. The only purpose of the key keeper is to make your keys easier to find in your purse. You just open the lock and attach your key ring when you keep your keys in your purse. It's not like you're going to drive your car with the keys attached to your purse lol.

As far as sending it back, I don't always use my key keeper, it depends on the bag. Some of my Dooney's have outside pockets that I find preferable to keep my keys in, and some of them don't. So I only use it on the ones that don't.

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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

Thank you Smiley Happy I'm still new around here so I didn't know about not having to pay shipping charges when there's a defect. I want to be able to use it just hate having to send it back. I'm so in love with it and honestly I'm not sure the next one wouldn't have some kind of defect or be missing an accessory or something. From the posts I've read on here I guess that's an issue??

Anyway I'll have my husband take another look at it. We've both tried but maybe he can figure it out.

On 3/5/2015 faeriemoon said:

You may choose to use the fob or not. If you have one you like better, you should use it. Any kind of key ring should work with the dog leash key keeper.

You may choose to use the dog leash key keeper or not. If you think you'd definitely like to use it, I would absolutely send it back if it doesn't open. Have you tried pushing the plunger really hard. It may have an initial "stickiness" that might correct itself if you can get it open the first time.

I use the key keeper, so if I received a bag with one that doesn't open, I would send it back as "defective" so as to get my shipping charges back.

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Registered: ‎12-22-2014

Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

Ok so I'm not the only one. We'll play with it some more. Thanks Smiley Happy

On 3/5/2015 Shawnie said: I have a new bag and its key keeper is a little sticky. Working it has loosened it. You might try that.
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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

You could try putting a little WD-40 on a q-tip and wiping the sliding mechanism with it. I use WD-40 for all kinds of sticky metal problems.

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Re: Key clip won't open? Should I return the bag?

Just a share - I use my key keeper to attach to a coin purse sometimes.

When I go to the mall, for instance, I put any cards I might use that day & Driver's license in the coin purse, then I attach it to the key keeper/leash. It's great...keeps me from accidentally leaving my wallet behind and keeps all secure while attached!

I've not had the problem that you're having. I hope it's fixed by now!! Good luck!