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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?



I tend to agree with you.  The QVC host thought the one on the left looked polished.



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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

@ALRATIBA wrote:



I tend to agree with you.  The QVC host thought the one on the left looked polished.






Well, neither would work with a tuxedo, that's for sure!  LOL  I was trying to make a funny comment, but hoped it didn't end up seeming snarky. 


I think I need to get a cold drink and go relax for a little while.  

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?




Smiley Wink  Smiley Wink  Smiley Wink  Smiley Wink  Smiley Wink  Smiley Wink 

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

@ALRATIBAThat toe cap on the green pair reminds me of the leather toe end cap they used to put on young children's sneakers as far back as the sixties annd maybe earlier.


I like green color but prefer the style of the grey slip on.



Washington, DC

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

I don't mind these casual shoes.  But I never buy boots that turn up at the toe.

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

I don't really have a preference in sneakers on the toe design. I would not want that turned up design on other shoes though. 

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

@ALRATIBA  I cannot wear those.  They kill my feet!  My toes scream!!!!!

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

I don't care for the style in general, or the upturned toe.

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

I'm a little late to the topic...but I actually have 2 pairs of the "green" style, in different colors, and wear them a lot. Very comfortable! 

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Re: Do you like footwear with this feature?

Yes, I like that toe style because it's fresh and modern but not silly or over the top.  I have a yellow pair like the one on the left.