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I decided to make a roulade this year for T-day dinner. Ordered my turkey breast yesterday to be butterflied. Has anyone done this before? I plan on stuffing it with stuffing and roasting it. any tips  or tried and true recipes?

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I, too, bought a turkey breast this year for just the two of us. There are a squillion recipes on the internet for it, so its a matter of taste. BUT, a great tip I got from Nick Stellino and America's Test Kitchen is that if you make a mixture of salt, sugar and water and put it in a ziploc bag and put the breast in it, and leave it in fridge overnight, you will completely avoid any chance of dryness or lack of moistness in the breast, no matter how you prepare it. I can attest to this working on pork chops- it is a miracle!! The ratio of ingredients is a couple of TBS of salt, same for sugar, and then a couple of cups of water. For exact amounts go to America's Test Kitchen or Nick Stellino's pork chop recipes. Good Luck!!

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

@wagirl   I'm envious of your dinner choice.  In the past I was able to purchase a boneless turkey breast at Costco, but they haven't had them in a couple of years.  We are going there Wed. to check if they have them this year.  Wish me luck.  Around here, the big grocery stores are reluctant to debone a turkey breast for you -- maybe because they're frozen.  Haven't seen any fresh ones.  


By the way, last year I can remember having a few "conversations" with you regarding an Instant Pot type of oven you bought at Macy's around Black Friday.  Sorry, but I can't remember the exact name of the item.  Anyway, I did purchase one at Kohl's, not at the great price point you got, but regardless.  That thing sat in the box for months and then the virus hit and it still sat there.  Long story short, I decided to return the unopened box.  Maybe I regret it a bit, but am trying to really put a moratorium on my kitchen shopping.  Too much stuff, and I'm running out of room.  


All that being said, "Happy Thanksgiving".  



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Posts: 16,460
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@coffee drinker ----yes I got the Instant Pot airfryer at a steal of a deal last year---still using it and a few nights ago put cod in it and oh my gosh----was it delicious and moist and crisp--and the best part--no fishy smell. Sorry you didn't get a chance to use it--i was a skeptic too--hated the egg shape of most of them and you never saw real food being cooked in them--we don't eat breaded snack type junk--but I have cooked some really great foods in it with alot of good luck. use it prob 3 times a week


My local grocery store offers fresh turkey breasts that they will butterfly and de- bone.  it will be between 3-6 pounds. I hate cooking a whole bird mostly because I HATE to clean the carcass--been cooking just turkey parts the last few years as there is only 3 of us at home---enough for dinner and then for leftovers too but not messing with the whole thing. And i do make turkey stock with just the bones from the parts.



Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,337
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: turkey roulade

[ Edited ]

@wagirl   We went to Costco Tuesday and didn't see any BB Boneless turkey breasts.  Haven't seen them in at least the 3 past Thanksgivings.  A person who works at the fresh meat counter told me to inquire when I checked out.  Forgot about that so I called and was told they stopped selling them.  I did see fresh Perdue boneless breasts at BJs about 2 weeks ago and will have to check those out.  BTW, they're nothing like the frozen, boneless breasts Walmart sells.  Believe those are Butterball brand.  Those are the 3 lb. variety which I've tried.  They're just OK, IMO.  Really wanted a fresh, boneless one.  In my area, there is only 1 old-fashioned butcher shop.  I may have to stop there, but it's not my favorite place to go simply because they have a "tip jar" on the counter.  I shouldn't be surprised at that, but I nearly flipped when I saw it.