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nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

I had 3 of these once upon a time--back when they were the big thing on QVC--was my very first purchase in fact. Well, in 2021  I sold my house and had to downsize----my nescos got donated---, had the 4 and 6 qt plus the big daddy 18qt--was sad to see them go but just had no room. Have come to realize how much I missed the 6 qt--I have been cooking more food,  to take to family events and card parties--where re- heating is very difficult---I found one on good ole AMZ--the 6qt oval--for less than I paid for the original one back in the 90's!! and it will be delivered today!! I need it for tomorrows family xmas party!! I used those ovens a few times every week for my own familys meals---hello old friend!!!

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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!



Glad you will have a new one very shortly...I donated my big one years ago and never replaced it.  Just cooking for two most of the time, so I don't need anything big.


I remember Mary Beth selling the Nescos at this time of year.  She talked about cooking her big family meals...the memories of those old presentations are nice.


Enjoy your new Nesco!  Give it a hug for me Cat LOL

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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

Have always wanted one of these, but the kitchen is bursting with stuff as it is. Have to look it up online. 

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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

I have a 6, 12, and 18.  Use them all the time.  Our prime beef roast will be in the 12 qt on Christmas.  The 2 bigger ones have the convection fans. Turkeys come out looking like the pics in magazines.  Enjoy!

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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

I still use my 4Qt. It is so useful for many things. When I purchased it long, long ,ago the Q offered a non stick insert and it still looks brand new.

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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

Loved my Nesco! I hear you. I gave mine away when I downsized too. Remember the Nesco lady? Her first name was Virginia...maybe someone else remembers her last name. She passed some time ago. She was great! RIP.

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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

Virginia Olsen ?

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

[ Edited ]

I still have my Nesco 18 qt Oven with the Air fryer cover  that I bought 30 yrs ago On the Q.  The rep was Virginia Olson & I just loved her.  I have all the extra inserts for the oven for entertaining & I have lovingly used it since then, for Super Bowl parties,  holidays & my daughters have borrowed it for parties at their homes & at work.  Love the Cook books that came with it.  The air fryer cover is a Godsend for Turkeys, Standing Rib Roasts & baking potatoes.  Will be using it in a few days for my Christmas Dinner. It's a treasure  in my home.  My Grandma had one in the 40's & I remember her using it for Christmas Eve parties at her home.  I'm, 82 yrs old & I know my youngest daughter will inherit it when I'm gone because she really loves it.  If it is properly taken care of it will last forever.  The only thing I've had to replace was the rack with the handles & it was easy to find online.Heart  



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Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!

OMG--I have used my Nescos for everything ---did my turkey in it one year--delicious, did all sorts of casseroles and baked in it. I had the non stick inserts as well as the air fan for the big mama size--had the buffet pans for it too and used that at the family events. I did donate that one to a local church but have really missed the smaller ones. Am making a baked ziti pasta dish for a family thing on Sunday----no extra oven space needed because can plug this baby in on the counter top. Found some tried and true recipes in the recipe booklets that came with them. One was a wild rice soup and another was a baked mexican chicken casserole----

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: nesco roaster oven--I miss you!!



Pray tell...what time will dinner be served on Sunday?


If I lived in your neighborhood, I would most certainly schedule a drive-by pickup for some of that baked ziti!