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Why Didn't The Chicken Cross The Road?

[ Edited ]

Because he was too stuffed!


Ok, very bad joke but very good stuffed chicken breast recipes.  I hope you all enjoy!:

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Re: Why Didn't The Chicken Cross The Road?


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Registered: ‎07-02-2015

Re: Why Didn't The Chicken Cross The Road?



I've probably told this true story before, but it could be another version of your funny quip.


When DH and I used to travel to Georgia for a visit in Athens, we always left town on a back road that passed by a large chicken processing plant.  Much to our amusement one day, we saw two chickens rapidly crossing the street away from that plant.


So.....our personal joke was:  Why did the chickens cross the road?  To escape the slaughter house.   


Hey, chickens ain't stupid.

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Registered: ‎03-22-2015

Re: Why Didn't The Chicken Cross The Road?

[ Edited ]

oops, posted before writing anything, sorry!


I have a similar chickens on the road story. When my daughter was young, we were on a road trip when my DH spotted some chickens along the roadside. Out of the blue, he sang out to the tune of Pretty Woman "Chicken dinner, walking down the street...".   without missing a beat, DD sang the next line "Chicken dinner, the kind I'd like to eat!"


We were laughing for quite a while at that, and tried to make a game coming up with more lyrics, but the only ones that stick to my memory are those first two lines.  Cat Very Happy