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Registered: ‎03-26-2010
Good Morning Friends! BRRRRRRR.......we are at -13 right now.....wind chill more like -30....worst winter I can remember in a long time. Schools are closed and people are warned to stay home. Some roads are too dangerous for travel.....NW Indiana closed 80/94! Soup and Paula Deen's Tuna Burgers tonight. Hope you have a good Monday........ M.....Milk Chocolate........NEXT........N
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Good morning!! Wow, what a weekend of snow and cold!! They closed all the schools as of yesterday afternoon. I have a feeling they will be closed tomorrow too. I have no idea how much snow we got. Saturday was warmer, low 30's, just cold enough to dump snow all day. Last evening I went out back to fill the bird feeders, I had to shovel the snow away from the garage door, and it was up to my knees walking through it. We got a lot more over night. Right now it is 14 below with the wind chill, and it is going to keep dropping through the day.

Hope y'all are safe and warm out there!

Walker, I too read other threads and hold myself back from joining in. I always think I'm going to be able to say the right thing to make someone realize how negative and crazy they sound...right, I'm not Super Woman!! I think there are a lot of sad people out there that just have to knock others down to make them feel better about themselves. Sometimes it seems to be the same subjects over and over...many about QVC hosts...go some where else if you are so against QVC! Any way, I have not been on all weekend, so I may need to see what new things are out there...maybe not, waste of time!{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

N-Nutter Butter Cookies

O is next

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hi! Good morning. We will be a little warmer than everyone else today. Right now, it is 12 but with the windchill feels like -2.

I do read the other threads and shake my head in amazement at people in general. I met my long time gf for lunch the other day and she made an interesting comment to me "when did people loose their respect for other human beings". I enjoy coming here and hearing what is happening with your lives. Hope everyone has a good day and stay warm. I am going to bake today. DH is thrilled!!! Kathy

O = Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

P is next

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Wowser. You ladies in the deep freeze. It's in the 20s which is cold to me but the sun zero temps. Oh ladies do take good care. When I let the dogs out this morning the first one back in was my Mr Boodles. He usually stays out and about. But he wanted back under the covers P: pizza. Q: nrxt
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Hi Kitty! That must be cold by you. Those doggies know what they like and don't too!

Kathy, I agree with your friend. Seems lately everyone (most) is out for themselves, it's all about "ME"! I was brought up to look out for others, and to be kind. We try our best to bring our boys up that way, hard at times in the way things are now. We are getting ready to make some cookies... that will keep us warm!

Q-Quince Jelly

R is next

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Sun is shining but wind is blowing......deep freeze is right! Kittyfan...nice to see you again. My brain seems frozen I will go to.........R......Raisin Bread .......NEXT........S
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Registered: ‎06-25-2011

Hi everyone! It is COLD out there - there was a sprinkling of snow overnight, but it's pretty much gone - only the cold remains. I was just reading that Chicago is actually colder than the South Pole! {#emotions_dlg.scared} Linda, my Angel is just the opposite - I bring him inside, and after an hour or so he whines to go back out again. (sigh) At least he has his Doggy Palace for shelter, and it's well insulated, but I'd rather he stay in the house. I also have a couple of cats who have chosen to remain outside all the time; I tried to bring them in earlier, but they ran right back out again. {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes} Oh well...there's an extra dog house equipped with a warm cat bed and fleece throws, so shelter is available.

Kathy, both my dogs tear soft toys apart in no time, but what lasts and lasts are the heavy-duty Kong balls, and also the Kong chew bones. Both have holes at the end that you can put peanut butter or whatever into for some extra fun. My Autumn in particular is a power chewer, but these things really hold up - they don't even have any teeth marks in them. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

Walker, I do read other threads here, but try to be careful of what I respond to. Most of the posters are very nice, but whenever you get a board with tens of thousands of members (there are almost 14,000 on-line right now as I post this), you're going to get a sprinkling of sociopaths, psychopathic liars, and ugly people who are so miserable that they only way they can make themselves feel better is to put others down and try to make them as unhappy as they are. I just put the hateful people on ignore, occasionally say a prayer for their lost souls, and don't let them get to me - they're not worth it, the poor sad, lonely creatures. (I seriously doubt they have any IRL friends.) Funny, but on some threads almost every response reads, "You have chosen to ignore this user." {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

BTW, the critter that was upstairs seems to be either Autumn did a good job, or it left after I removed anything it could eat. (It even got into some pudding cups I had to send to some soldiers! {#emotions_dlg.scared}) I'm so glad I didn't have to resort to a sticky trap - I can't bear the thought of killing any creature. (I won't even put salt on slugs, since I read that they feel pain.)

R = raspberries

Sweeter Than Candy

S =

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010
Hi again......just wanted to say that I agree with all of your thoughts on some posters and mean-spirited, negative remarks and meaningless threads......most of the time I ignore which I will continue to do and spend time where I enjoy it the most....right here!!! I am glad God blessed me with a positive attitude. Now back to FUN....and, oh by the way, FF this week? Barbados? Jamaica? I will go anywhere WARM! .......S........Syrup.......NEXT......T
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Registered: ‎06-25-2011

You're right, walker - many of us are blessed; you can only pity those sad, negative people.

I propose we go to Pago Pago (Pronounced PAN-go PAN-go) in American Samoa this weekend - tropical climate, nice beaches...

And their primary industry is canning tuna!

T = (what else...)


U =

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Registered: ‎10-26-2011

I'm in for a warm, sunny beach!!!! With nice, kind, positive people!!

I am always better off if I don't venture on those posts...I just end up getting upset and they win in spreading their negativity. (don't need it!!)

Well, temp's keep going down. School was cancelled this afternoon for tomorrow. I know I don't want to go out in this stuff!

Really...the "U"?????

U-Un-ripened Bananas (not good for banana bread)

V is next!