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Hi! Tootie15, bigkat and walker just saw your weather on our noon news!!!! Our cold is coming and it won't be pretty. I just posted a macaroni and cheese recipe for the slow cooker. I've not made it, but it is from a cookbook called Fix It and Forget It Pink Cookbook.

Up early because DH was up at 4:00 a.m. shining a flashlight in the house. I checked on him and he was fine. The CO detector in the other bedroom was beeping. Just needed batteries! Stay warm and safe. Kathy

A = All Day Roast

B is next

All Day Roast page 151 Fix It and Forget It Pink Cookbook. Uses a 6 qt slow cooker.

3 - 4 carrots, cut in 1 inch chunks

4 -5 medium potatoes, cut in 1-inch chunks

1 lb. frozen, or fresh, green beans

1 large onion, cut in wedges

1 1/2 cups water

3-5 lb. beef roast 2 cloves garlic, minced

salt to taste

pepper to taste

10 3/4 oz. can cream of mushroom soup

2 - 3 TBS. Worcestershire sauce

1 pkg. dry onion soup mix, beef or mushroom, flavor.

Place vegetables and water into slow cooker.

Place beef roast on top of vegetables.

Sprinkle garlic over meat, followed by salt and pepper to taste.

Spoon cream of mushroom soup over seasoned meat.

Gentley pour Worcestershire sauce over soup.

Sprinkle with dry onion soup mix.

Cover. Cook on High 5-6 hours.

Reset temperature to Low. Continue cooking 2-3 more hours, or until vegetables and meat are fork-tender, but not dry or mushy.

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Registered: ‎06-25-2011

Hi everyone!

It's freezing out there! Sleet/freezing rain is forecast for later today; I picked up a few things at the store and I'm ready to stay in all weekend long! I HATE winter!

B = Breakfast in bed

C =

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010
FHG....I am with you......hate winter.....I do love the change of seasons but winter could change a lot faster for me! UGH.......our snow finally ended and sun came out a bit,,,,think we ended up with 12-16" in our area. Sorry for Tootie you are getting it. Be careful iwith the least ours was light and fluffy and snow blower we hear next week will be below zero......great!.......C.....Clam Chowder........NEXT.......D
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Good morning ~ Sorry some of you are freezing. I can understand why you dislike it. I love winter - at least the ones I have been exposed to. Hopefully it will by-pass you Tootie and blow out somewhere into the Atlantic. Love the kitty, FHG! We will be at 52 today, so I cannot complain, but wait for summer - I will be complaining a lot as I hate hot weather! Wound care doc today. One of the "holes" is getting a lot smaller, the other is slower but getting there. Pedicure later. Stay in and warm ladies

D = Dining out

E is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning cookie and all .... We are a very cold 1 degree .... with a high of 8. Schools are closed today because of the temperature ... windchill is -12. I'm with you walker, I like the change of seasons too, but wish winter would go by a lot quicker. I know we were spoiled last year, as we had a very mild winter. I am going to venture out this morning to get my hair cut .... the place I go to is literally right around the corner, so I am going to walk.

cookie ... glad to hear that your knee is coming along and healing.

kathy ... thank goodness it was only the batteries .... the "chirps" can be annoying, but very useful ...(unfortunately) ... and I am going to check out that Mac and Cheese recipe.

E ~ Eclairs


PS ~ If you don't hear from me later on .... send out the dogs ... I may be frozen in a snowbank ....

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hi! Good morning. Gosh, you alll are really getting the snow!!! Our turn this weekend plus cold air. cookie5, hope you have a nice pedicure. Tootie15, my haircut is next week. walker, stay safe and inside. FHG, black ice in your neck of the woods? Not fun. Kathy

F = Fiesta Casserole

G is next

Fiesta Casserole page 92 Gooseberry Patch's Church Suppers.

16-oz. pkg. elbow macaroni, uncooked

1/4 c. butter

1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 t. Italian seasoning

1/4 t. salt

2 eggs, beaten

2 15-oz. cans pizza sauce

8-oz, pkg, shredded mozzarella cheese

favorite pizza toppings

Cook macaroni in a large pot of boiling water for 8 minutes; rinse with hot water and return to pot. Add butter; stir until melted. Stir in Parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning and salt; mix well. Add eggs, blending well; pour into greased 15" x 10" jelly-roll pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes; remove from oven and add pizza sauce, shredded cheese and your favorite pizza toppings. Bake for an additional 20 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly. Serves 6 to 8.

The lady who submitted this says: Serve up this tasty casserole with a variety of colorful tortilla chips. Tortilla chips can be found in yellow, orange, red and blue. She lives in PA.

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!!!! When Queen Air is back in service I am heading to a warmer climate!!!!! Arrrgggghhh.....on a positive note....sun is shining and it looks pretty out...if you can just look at least the snow has Tootie I am heading out for a hair cut this morning....then get some groceries and head home to stay!!! And, by early next week it will be worse...sub-zero has been a tough start to winter so maybe we will get lucky and the rest of winter will be better for all of us in the north....(ha, such a dreamer I am). Happy Friday!

F.........Fig Newtons


p.s. Cookie...happy that knee is finally starting to get better....more hooping in 2014! Hope you don't have ice, FHG, and do you like living the the "happy state" now that marijuana is legal? I'll take your tasty recipes for happiness any day.

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Registered: ‎10-26-2011

Good morning!! Happy Friday...I think it is! Kids will be back to school on Monday...if schools will be open with the cold temp's. I don't know what we were over night, but at 9am we were 2, and 12 below with the wind chill. GR was colder, the lake once again was keeping us warmer at the lake shore. They say it will be 30 tomorrow...for one day and then back down again. We have that wonderful sunshine too, very bright with all the snow on the ground.

G-Grape Soda

H is next

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Well, I made it .... it actually wasn't too bad, except when I had to walk in the street because some people don't shovel!! {#emotions_dlg.angry} My head feels so much lighter now ... LOL ... my hairdresser had to cancel my last appointment, so I was about a week and a half over ... seems it grew super fast in that last week!!

walker... count me in for a warmer place too!! I am sick of this cold, windy, snowy weather!!

H ~ Hot Cross Buns