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good evening


I ran into Bobbie when we were both picking up dinner. I told him Holly had been missing seeing him. He did pop by for pets later.


I looked at the mimosas. Unfortunately I am taking some meds that give me fits   citrus is one even bananas. I mentioned that to brother vof course he had delved deep and said this was common. I was cautioned dairy might be an issue but I have done ok. 


First thing this morning call from Drs office to remind me to do blood work. Yes it

T was on the list. 


Coffee pot ready


O:  Ovaltine


P:  next

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Posts: 5,172
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~  Wake Up Its Wednesday

                               June 5 2024!


kittyfan, it's one thing or another with meds.  Sometimes I wonder if the  medication is more harmful than the issue itself.  Hope your doctor can provide you with meds that dont give you fits or any other side effect. There are meds for anything and everything!  How is Holly doing?  Is Jake still in charge?😄 


 Tootie, the Mimosas look wonderful!  Save some for the SCC Court - its been along time since we enjoyed it.  Nice weather and no humidity. The perrfect place for SCC! 


Love your BIrd walker!!  I wonder if Cuckoo Bird needs a crown? or shall we just refer to you as Queen Cuckoo Birds - still need n appropriate crown😆 


DSV here today - 95 with some light winds/breezes.  Good day to clean up some clutter in my #1 junk drawer.  I have 3 now.  Had more in CA, but had a lot more space there.  Under the bed is a good place since I have a high bed and slide the big plastic drawer type boxes under it. (organized of course!)  An exciting life is not familiar with me😄😒


                          Have A Good Day!


Passing the coffee ~  

P - Potato Salad

Q- next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... cookie, there are plenty more Mimosas to go around and we can enjoy them on the SCC Court ... and of course we can make a non-citrus one for kittyfan! ... I wonder what kind of "goodies" you will find as you clean out your junk drawer?? Have fun!


kittyfan, I hope all goes well with Holly's surgery ... I think today is the day she has it ... good luck with your new meds ... your Ovaltine was a "blast from the past" for me ... my kids used to drink that all the time!!


walker, laughing at the A/C going on and off too ... just like the flowers, up and down ... we had to take ours down yesterday as it was really windy but it was a warm breeze and just added to the heat ... ugh!! ... windows closed, A/C on!!


I got a message when I signed on asking if I wanted to take a survey when I was done here ... yes! so I will let you know what it was all about in a little while.


Another hot and humid 88 degree day ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


Q ~ hmmm?? Quiche for our Queen ... and all!!



ETA ~ took the survey ... very short and it sounds like the one that went around earlier ... why do I go to the blogs? and was it helpful?



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Posts: 10,058
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️⛈️🇺🇸


Happy Tuesday!  Those mimosas look wonderful, Tootie!  I think cookie had one too many.....skipped ahead a day.  But, I think date was a typo....missed 2 for June 25th.  You get a pass, cookie, keeps me on my toes!  For a minute I thought....oh, Wednesday, but, no on June 5th.  With SCC ...Cuckoo Birds..we understand it all!


Went to bed with a storm, woke up to more this morning....glad I don't have to head out the door for anything.  Tossed and turned last night....did sleep in between my flip-flop exercise.  😉

Tootie, I have taken that survey too...big deal, eh?  

kittyfan, I agree with cookie, sometimes you wonder about these they really help or hurt?  But, have to trust in the professionals I guess. I have heard of those interactions you mentioned.  Good luck to Holly.


cookie, let us know if you find anymore missing earrings in the junk drawer....😅.  

Quiche and Mimosas....ahhhhh, the good life!  See you later.


R .... Raisin Bread...toasted to go with the above...😋


NEXT ..... S 









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Good morning ~  Welcome to Wednesday for real!                                        June 26 2024!


Sorry about the mix up yesterday.  I was looking at two calenders and my pea brain must have been still asleep.  I really miss the calenders that Mom used to hang up in the kitchen when I was a kid.


Tootie, I saw the invite for the Survey but decided not to do it.  I am leery about what they do with the info.  Not just Q, any Survey!  Goood thing since I cant even keep the dates right!!🤣 Your Ovaltine brought back many good memories - I used to love it and had some every day.  Wonder if it is still around?   


walker, thanx for the pass on the dates.  BTW, I did not find any lost earrings in any of the junk drawers  - just the same old ones.  Found some other funky stuff - little notes from Gson and DD from years ago.  One note from DD included a now dried up Dandelion but the note was real cute.  Love those memories.  


Shout out to kittyfan 🌺☕🥂 ~ 🤞🎀for Holly~ 🍖for Jake


                        Have A Good Day!


Passing the coffee ~

S - Soybeans

T - next




There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... cookie, it sounds like you found some sweet little memories in you junk drawer! ... I take pictures on my iPad of those kind of things and then I can let go of the actual piece of paper ... this survey was very short and had very basic questions ... not any that would invade your privacy, but I know what you mean ... I've started some surveys in the past (not Q) and would end it if I didn't like the question.


walker, did the weather clear up or did you have a rainy day? ... although it looked like the skies would open up any minute with a downpour, we had rain for only 5 minutes.


Shout out to kittyfan ... hope all went well with Holly.


Another hot and steamy day here ... high of 81 (at least temps are going down) ... more rain predicted ...


Kid day tomorrow so I have to do a grocery run ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


T ~ Tapioca

U ~ hmmm??



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Posts: 10,058
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌤️🇺🇸


🥱 ok this morning but brain in a fog...ha!  One of those hard to wake up mornings.  We did have storms and heavy rain yesterday morning and then very humid rest of the day.  No rain today but humid.  We might go out to lake this weekend but more rain predicted Friday and Saturday....we'll see.


cookie, you did good with greeting today! 👍 Sounds like you had a pleasant day cleaning junk drawer out...sweet memories.  I still have a few of those items.  Good idea, Tootie, to take pictures.


No news.....guess I should get more coffee and get out of my fog...ha.  👋👋 to kittyfan.  Tootie, might see you at the store.  I need to go there also.  

Have a nice day everyone!  UBs for all ....😉.  And, my letter is......U! ..... ??? ... what starts with U?  

U ..... Unsalted Peanuts....😂 


NEXT ...... V 

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Posts: 5,172
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hello again - its still June 26 2024!


Guess what I found?


The birth month birds are as follows:

  • January: Owl
  • February: Parrot
  • March: Robin
  • April: Canary
  • May: Nightingale
  • June: Dove
  • July: Eagle
  • August: Kingfisher
  • September: Hawk
  • October: Swan
  • November: Rooster
  • December: Raven


    V - saved for Tootie

    W - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hi cookie, thanks for posting the Birthday Birds ... and since I'm a Hawk, I'll swoop right in for the V ... (can you tell the heat/humidity is getting to me? 😂)


V ~ VELVEETA ... 😁


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Posts: 10,058
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

You gals are so funny!  cookie..."still June 26"...😂 and thanks for posting the cuckoos! 😆 Tootie, our "Hawk" swooping in....LOL!  We do have fun here.  

Tootie, looked for you at the store but you must have been heading OUT when I was heading IN.  I did run into DIL's mother so chatted with her for awhile.  Did two store runs today.....💸💸💸.


All for now....enjoy your evening....tweet...tweet...🤣.


W ..... Wax Paper


NEXT .... X