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walker you really are The Dancing Queen (good song by Abba).  Another jewel for your crown!


Mickey Monkey waiting for you ~

MGR Monkey.jpg

He's already smiling - uh oh wonder what he is up to?  He may be considering snatching your crown.  He is a pickpocket in his spare time so it wouldn't surprise me.  Hang on to it !  


H - Ham   no not Porky!

I is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Uh oh ....

Monkey King Crown Cartoon Animal Pointing At Sign Royalty Free ...

Mickey got the crown!! ... I guess we were having too much fun and he snatched it ... now how do we get it back??!!


I ~ Ice for our Mimosas


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LOL! 😂.....need my crown back!!!  Although Mickey looks pretty cute with it.


J .... Just got it back...had to give Mickey

        a JUG of mimosas for he is 

        one Happppppy Monkey!


NEXT ..... L  

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Good morning ~ Cute, cute picture Tootie!  Perfect.  So Mickey got the crown- clever little guy outwitting our Queen.  All for a jug of Mimosas - how big a jug????  A drunk Monkey?


I sure hope they get the school attendance thing squared away.  How confusing.  Good that your 3 Amigos are in Parochial schoo walkerl.  I read that some schools are actually going to attend a real school - then there's E learning, I am too old to comprehend all this change.


MGR time.  I will be enjoying Silas Squirrel.  Isn't he cute?  He is riding next to his BF Barbie Bunny.  He has been busy squirreling away nuts for the Winter and already has 7 large trash bag full.  He may have to rent a storage container.  Little guy loves Pecan Pie.  

MGR Silas Squirrel.jpg

He is happy to be joining us on the MGR.  He uses the same salon as Francois Fox to keep his long tail nice and lustrous.  I heard he is a huge fan of red licorice.  Wonder if he likes Mimosas?


Can't believe it's Friday already.  This whole year is whizzing by!  How is the TS doing kittyfan?   Another hot day - 100+ and some humidity. 


Passing the coffee ~


L -licorice - red for Silas

M is next



There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... another beautiful low humidity day ... high of 75 ... cookie/kittyfan, I'll send some of it your way.


cookie, Silas Squirrel should be a very enjoyable ride for you ... you can curl up on his fluffy tail ... I think I'll hop on one of those butterflies that I see in the picture (I've always wondered what it would feel like to "fly" Woman Very Happy) ... round and round and round we go ...


Our Governor is going to make his decision today about opening up schools for fall ... several Catholic/Private schools have plans in place ... since they have bigger buildings with smaller attendance they are able to do social distancing without a problem ... but I think if he decides not to open schools, they would be included in that decison as well ... ugh ... this virus has got to go!!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


M ~ Making Many Mimosas ... Woman LOL


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Good choice Tootie! It should be no surprise that I just happen to have 

Bonita Butterfly ~

MGR Bonita Butterfly.jpg

She is so pretty, this picture does not do her justice!  She loves to travel the country.  She is a speed demon with wings!  She has been used by several designers for their clothing and other goods.  She has her own special bush at the Runway thanks to Tim Gunn.


N - Naval Oranges for our Mimosas

O is nest


There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸😷


Happy Friday!  I can't believe TX has not had a break from the high, guess it is normal (?) for this time of year?  

I have heard that enrollments are increasing in Parochial schools because parents want their kids back to being in school.  It will be interesting to see how things turn out with spread of school vs. staying home e-learning.  Just happy I don't have to deal with those decisions!


My travelers arrived home safely and all smiling!!!  DH really enjoyed it. Great experience for all of them. It looked like five returning from camp with all their gear.  Keeping fingers crossed for next week or so to make sure no one picked up anything.  DH said they were constantly wiping things down, using hand sanitizers, keeping distance, wearing masks..what more can you do? 

Ready for fun on MGR ..... I feel like just gliding along today...I'll be on Sophia 🦢 Swan. 

Bye for now.  Sure hope I don't BUMP ..... 😬 .


N .... Nuts for Silas or Nutty Us 🤣


NEXT .... O 






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OK...I'm up.....carry on....


NEXT ..... P 

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Good morning walker ~ Here she is - Sophia Swan all decorated just for our Queen.

MGR Swan.jpg

Please don't BUMP anyone while riding her.  She hand picked all the flowers just for you.  


P - Popsicles  Mimosa ones!

Q is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Beautiful, cookie!  What a special ride for today!  I may not get off MGR!  Thanks! 

Q .... Queen's Special Swan or Queen's Special QUICHE! 😆


NEXT .... R