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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☀️🇺🇸


Happy Saturday...sunny, warm Saturday here.  A/C day.


Running a little late since I overslept....are you ever in a frustrating dream when you wake up so you are in a fog?

I was dreaming I could not see....awful...(I've had a dream like it before)....anyway, I was driving a car on highway...could barely see 😳 but remember pretty leaves on trees.  Next thing I knew I was somewhere...maybe the  Q in storage....looking for different shoes to make a Shoe Bouquet!! 😵‍💫 CRAZY!!!  Thankful to wake up and realize it is a dream.


Yesterday was very lunch with nothing....going to fix a Chicken Salad and friend will do her deviled eggs....might watch an afternoon movie.  DH has to go to block party later for awhile....glad I am not going....too hot...high 80's and humid this afternoon. 🥵


kittyfan, how was visit to your house? 🥲 Tootie, enjoy some more patio and grill time for another month.  The shed can wait, eh?


Bye for now........😢🍪....🤷‍♀️.


T ..... Tomatoes....fresh from a garden...😋


NEXT ..... U 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good Evening 


What a strange dream. Nicevisit with your friend. 


I thought I was prepared to visit my house.was bittersweet to say the least.   Bottom line is I had paid to have work completed. Didn't happen. I got DB involved and things are going at super speed. Brother was very disoriented. Missing turns etc.  Left there and got lunch. Went to bank. Couldn't complete business. I thought we had all needed paperwork but not. Very frustrating.  I have been a customer there for more than 30 years. Am considering a change but with multiple direct deposits it is a process. 


We ran into rain coming home. Fortunately for us traffic was not moving going the other direction. I saw on FB they were doing guardrail repairs. Had one lane closed.  Five I clock on Friday. Who thought that was a good idea. 


I had given brother an extra phone charger. He said good timing as the vacuum ate his!  


No news from my corner


U:  oh my. In honor of Ms Cookie has to be UB


V:  next

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ...walker, you did have a crazy dream ... and yes, I've woken up in a fog from some myself ... good choice to stay home with your friend and visit rather than be outside in that heat ... hope you had a good time!! ... you're right! the shed can wait, it's really still too warm to start going through things out there ... what was I thinking? 😏🤷‍♀️


kittyfan, you sure had a frustrating day ... I hope you can get things finished up at your house ... planning on selling?? and the bank situation is sad ... you've been with them a long time, I hope that can get taken care of too ...


Hi to cookie ... 👋


We'll have another sunny and warm day ... high of 84! I guess the humidity is supposed to be up today ... we'll see, otherwise we'll be able to spend more time on the patio ... oh! we had a hummingbird at our hanging plants yesterday!! walker, I know you get/feed them but we haven't seen one in years!! so fun to watch!!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... good U, kittyfan ... I have a good V that might just make cookie smile 😊 (it took me a while to think of it ... 😁)






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Posts: 10,511
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☀️☀️🥵🇺🇸


Happy HOT Sunday and HOT week ahead here!  Guess that TX heat has moved north, kittyfan.  Last week of August and summertime...the HEAT IS ON!


It has been a nice visit with my friend.  She will leave this morning.  Guess we are "talked out"...haha.  Yesterday afternoon we all watched the movie ....Ford vs. was out awhile ago but we missed it at theater.  It was very good!  Later in afternoon DH went to neighborhood block party for a little bit....said it went well.  Friend and I finished our gabbing...ha!  She did make her deviled eggs...yum!


Tootie, I do put out a hummingbird feeder.  They are fun to tiny. Glad one came by there.   Lately, they have come by a lot to my feeder. They must be getting ready for the trip south for winter.  Amazing how those little birds fly to Mexico and Panama every year and return in Spring.  Usually they are gone by end of September.   

Well, better go for now.....have a nice day....liked the U and V for cookie!  😟...miss you cookie....((((🍪)))).


W ..... Water


NEXT ..... X 

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Posts: 4,188
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good Evening


We had a break from triple digits. Nice change


Quiet day in my world.  Brother and his sweet wife concerned for my health.hsve yet another Drs apt to tomorrow.  Brother emailed bank with requested information. Hopefully we can move forward.  


Holly needs to go to vet.  Not her normal self.  I know she isn't feeling well 


X:   Xtra large egg s


Y: next




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Good morning friends ... oh no kittyfan, I hope Holly is ok ... didn't she just have a procedure done? ... and I hope that you are doing ok too!


walker, glad you enjoyed your visit with your friend ... now you'll need a UB day to soak it all in ... it always amazed me that those little hummingbirds could travel so far back and forth ... so tiny and cute!!


Shout out to cookie ... 👋


Yesterday was an indoor day ... very hot and humid here and more of the same today ... I went through some boxes of papers that I saved from when the kids were little ... why?? they are not going to want those ... so I set aside ones that were really cute (little notes, pictures and stories) and took pictures on my iPad ... now I can have a shredding day!!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


Y ~ Yogurt


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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☀️🥵🇺🇸


Happy Monday!  It isn't even 7AM and already 80 degrees out....humid too...going to high 90's.  Inside day for sure.

I am "thinking" I should walk now...🤔....thinking, thinking..ha! 


My friend got home.  Good visit.  DH and I finished the deviled eggs....she needs to come back...😁.

kittyfan, hope things get better for you and Holly.  Rest as needed....DB will handle it all!


Tootie, you had a trip down memory lane going through kids' papers.  Make room to start saving things from LG and LS...😊.


No news ....laundry today and stay in...stay cool!  Hope you have a good day.   See you later.




Z ..... Zucchini


NEXT ..... A 





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Tootie and kittyfan, I sent a message to cookie using our other link; copied you as well.  I doubt she will reply if she hasn't here but worth a try.  😢


A .... Avocado


NEXT ... B 

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Posts: 4,188
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

good evening


I did see your message. Would be nice to hear from her you put up the balloon 


Brother picked me up. Off to Drs apt.  Had to detour due to road closures. We were early but seen right away.  Need more labs and another test.  Arrived at lab too late test was impossible to schedule local. Choices towns away. Unbelievable. Got apt but brother thought of another option. Had dr fax over the orders. Waiting on them. Scheduled another apt  Dr has left. New doctor. Oh the joy of getting older!!


Yum. Avocado 


B:   bacon



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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... walker, I did see the email message too ... that was a good idea ... I really wish cookie would come on and tell us that she is ok ... but, (and I don't like to think this) maybe things are really bad 😥 ... I laughed about making room for LG/LS's papers ... if you could only see my refrigerator from their coloring!! 😁 LG runs with every paper they color and adds it to the collection 😂😂


kittyfan, ugh! sorry you have to jump through hoops to try and get things arranged with a new doctor/labs/tests ... I'm sure DB will get it all taken care of and I hope that everything is ok with you! ... how is Holly??


cookie, we miss you!!


We'll have another hot and humid 87 degree day 🥵 ... kids day tomorrow so I'll do my weekly shopping today ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


B ~ Bananas ... on my list 😊