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Posts: 10,506
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Hi everyone.....


Pretty busy day.....started off with phone call from a friend (out of state) that I have not talked to in awhile.  After a two-hour conversation, we decided we had to get off.....and talk more often!

Then I hurried  to get through my laundry as today was "meet the amigos" after school.  Met them and had a good time, as always.  Left there to get home as DD dropped GS off for an hour while she took GD to soccer practice.  Had nice time with GS.  I really need to cherish and enjoy these simple moments as they are passing quickly!


Kittyfan, how nice that you have been in touch with FHG.  Glad she is doing better.  Kind of like all of us connected long now??   I am guessing maybe 4 or 5 years?  Seems like 20 we have so much fun.  I enjoy this friendship more than I would Facebook.


Well.....signing off and dimming lights here tonight.....see you in morning.....and.....have a GOOD NIGHT's SLEEP!  


J ..... Jello


NEXT ..... K

Valued Contributor
Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~  walker, you are right - time flies by on a jet!  Enjoy your G'kids -they grow faster than your own!  


kittyfan, so happy to hear you had some contact with FHG.  Glad she is doing better and hope you let her know we think of her.  


We are having a "real" cold front today!  59/36!!!  I'll take that for a day or two.  Nope, tomorrow is supposed to be normal.  Weird strange weather patterns all over.  Manicure and errands this morning,then home to do what I do best - UB's!  After the laundry of course.  Or during, or whenever.  


Passing the coffee ~

K = kitchen gadgets    DD could open a store!

L is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends .... cookie, I can't believe that we will be warmer than you today ... 42 now but going up to 65!! ... very strange weather patterns ... but enjoy your cooler weather!!


walker, glad you had a nice, long chat with your friend and another nice visit with the grandkids ... enjoy every minute you can!!


kittyfan, glad to hear the news about FHG ... it is so cool that we have this friendship without ever actually meeting ... I have been friends with you special ladies for 4 years now ... loving every minute of it!!


Grocery shopping and the normal everyday chores are on my "to do" list today .... Don't forget our Halloween BAT tomorrow ... can't wait to see our costumes ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passing


L ~ Lasagna


Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,506
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!


Looking forward to BAT tomorrow...🎃 costume is ready.  Wondering if kittyfan will be a 🐝?  Perfect, eh? 


You are really cool for TX, cookie.  And, Tootie, you have the best day! We will have high in 40's.


Happy Friday to All.......more coffee in the pot....for.....?


M .... Meatballs


NEXT .... N







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Posts: 7,999
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hope everyone is having a good afternoon ... I finally finished my costume ...


We are having a beautiful day here ... it got up to a sunny 68 ... overnight 55 .... but tomorrow rain moves in for the weekend! Hopefully it holds off until after our Halloween BAT!!


Have a good night ...


N ~ Nesting Bowls


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Posts: 4,186
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Volunteered at thrift store today to help out. Really busy. We did today what we hoped to do a weekend I am tired!!! Saw my neighbor at the store. Couldn't decide if it was her-/finally decided it was as she was leaving. Worked with one of my favorite people.

Then went by church to take care of duties-/-almost forgot. Took care of some seasonal items needing pricing. It never ends! Had a note in my box about positions in our ladies group. Wish I could pass on all but I doubt it.

O: olives

P: next

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Posts: 10,506
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Hi everyone......


Hope you had a nice Friday.  Routine here....errands....UBs ...and all....ha!  Catching up on missed UBs from trip! HA!


Kittyfan....'BBZZ'.....hope you have time for BAT tomorrow....I am sure cookie will fly by and get you.....please join us.  Just grab her anyway, cookie!  


See you tomorrow......Tootie, can I bring anything?  Bigkat?? Flying over.....would like to pick you up!!  BIGKAT????  HELLOOOOOO?  😥🙁


P .... Pasta


NEXT ....Q......????


Q .... QA Ready to go tomorrow.....or Quick Dinner Recipe


NEXT .... R 



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Posts: 7,999
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends .... BAT is ready! breakfast pizza, coffee cake, fruit, coffee/tea and Mimosas ....


walker, if you could bring a bag of candy bars and cookie, could you spare some hay?? ... we're going to play find the candy bars in the hay!! ... kittyfan, we need string?? we are going to bite the dougnuts off the string ... Sorry, I'm disorganized with this party but it's BAT ... we can make anything happen ...


Hope everyone has a good Saturday .... I've got to get changed into my costume now .... I'll be back!!


Coffee's on ...


R ~ Rice


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Posts: 7,999
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

OK .... Here I am ....

Image result for picture of bat costume



S ~ So appropriate for BAT ...


Valued Contributor
Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~ Tootie, I LOVE your costume!  I love bats - why didn't I think of that?  However, I couldn't resist my costume - I mean look at the great broom that came with it!!!!!!!


wicked witch.jpg


I am on my way!  Trying out a new broom?  Makes my day!  Can't wait to see everyone else's garb.  It is really cold here now about 38 degrees going up to 62.  See you in a few (this broom is a fuel injected bomb!)  Wheeeeeeeee........


T = Tacos

U is next




There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.