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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... walker, yay! you are done with your decorating ... it is a lot of work but looks so nice when done! ... Happy Birthday to your GD! ... glad you had a good time with the family, I'm not a fan of sushi either ... I'm so far behind with my Christmas shopping (have just a little done) and LG's birthday is the week before ... yikes! I've got to get into high gear!! ... I only send a few Christmas cards out.


Shout out to kittyfan ... 👋


We're at a chilly 25 now ... we had just a few flurries yesterday but nothing like they had in the surrounding towns ... DH had the Bills game on and it was snowing bad ... they had to keep sweeping the lines on the field ... walker, I hope you get some warmer weather to get your outside done!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


O ~ Oh Christmas Tree ... or Onions


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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️⛅️🎄...🇺🇸


Happy Monday!  On with the Christmas season ....make our lists and get on to shopping now!  I forgot about LG having a December birthday, Tootie.  More to shop for but at least the younger kids are easier.  Still, in the midst of holiday hustle-bustle, you have to make time to celebrate it too.  I counted our December birthdays yesterday...5. 

You are so lucky to miss all that snow in the area yesterday, Tootie.  I saw it snowing at the Bills game last night.  DH had it on while I was doing something else.  He said...YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS! 😳 Wow!  It was fun to watch but sure glad I wasn't there!  That is good old-fashioned in all the elements!  😂


kittyfan, how are things in your world?  Hope all is ok there...pups good too?


I have one more gift to take to GD today...too big for restaurant other night.  She wanted a bulletin board for her room.  I am going to put some funny pictures on it and wrap it up.  I asked if she got day off from school...HA..NO!

I'll drop it off as she goes from school to gymnastics so no time for a visit today.  

That's all for now.....have a good day.....stay jolly! 🤗


P .... Pretty Poinsettia Plants or Pickles


NEXT .... Q! 🤔.....Queen's* Quesadillas..😆


NEXT .... R 


* 🙁 makes me think of cookie..I think she is one who started calling me Queen and had a crown for everything!



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Good evening


I had forgotten LG was so close to 🎄 🎄 🎄 Christmas.   Littles are so much fun to shop for 


Nots sushi fan.   


Brother was here this afternoon. I was talking to his DW when he arrived.  I had a situation on Saturday evening. I made a decision and handled it.  I told him on Sunday evening. He told me I should have called him. I said I considered it but knew he would race over.   His DW also chastised me!  He took care of some issues, made some phone calls.  The church was havings zoom meeting.  He logged in on my lap top.  Mid session fire alarm goes off.  He told me to get out.   He was behind me.  I stopped at outside door.  He went to investigate.  He was not happy with the way things were handled. I know it's not over!   So he joins meeting again.  He was listening and got to do some tasks. His DW asked if all was ok.  He said he forgot camera was on!  He will take me for labs tomorrow. Had originally planned to go home on Wednesday but will fly out from here to attend work conference out of town.  Will come back here before driving home with DW and the dog!  He has been busy moving to new condo. I am anxious to see it. He is the busiest retired person I know.  


Yes I think Cookie coined the phrase. Miss her.  At least FHG is in contact. Even though she doesn't post she introduced me to the group.  I do tell her the group sends greetings from time to time.  I placed an order for critter food.  She has so many I try to do it from time to time.  Her BD is in early January so I will do more then.  


R:  running after the grands!!!  Or rubber gloves.  No dissn hands!!!


S:  next


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Good morning friends ... kittyfan, another busy day for you! ... I'm curious to know if DB ever has any down time that he just sits?!! 😊 ... if I had to guess, I would say no! ... busy, busy, busy!! ... how nice that you help FHG out with critter food ... glad she is doing well 👋 ...


walker, wow, 5 December birthdays? and you're right! we have to take the time to celebrate those among the holiday season ... what a cute idea with the bulletin board and funny pictures for your GD ... she'll love it!! ...


Grocery shopping for me today ... LS will be here tomorrow  so I've got to stock up! 😂 ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... missing cookie too! she gave walker a crown for everything 👑


S ~ Santa cookies ...


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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️⛅️🎄...🇺🇸


Happy Tuesday!  If sun breaks out and it warms up a bit, out we go to get decorations up.  🤞 It shouldn't take long since we don't do as much as we used to do.  Simple Senior Decorating ... 😆.

 kittyfan, nice that you and FHG keep in touch.  I remember all the animals she had or would help.  Good of you to help her feed them as well.  Another fire drill?  Seems like they had one not long ago there.  That is alarming to older people.  I know they have to be prepared but can't they advise residents of a "practice"...mostly for employees to properly get residents out safely?  🤷‍♀️ (Like I know what I am talking about..haha.). Glad DB was there when it happened.  I am sure he did give them some advice! 😉


Tootie, does your store move things around?  I know there is a marketing plan to do so...😖.  It makes you look more and find new things.  I was there yesterday for a "few" things..🙄...could not find an item in produce section...I looked like crazy Lucy going in employee to ask....decided I did not need it...ha!  Good luck on your trip.


Bye for now.....have a happy day....don't forget those UBs...stay well!


T ..... Tortillas


NEXT ....U 



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good  Evening



Brother called lab apointmrny times changed.  He did pick me up and off we went.  Numbers down again.  Then he stopped for food.  Went to Condo.  Handed me foot dashed off.  His DW was at dentist.she came back. I was waiting for him to return. He breezes on--off to get a haircut. Returns. Finally eats. Finally took me home. He is flying out early tomorrow.  

I am exhausted.   


U:  UB of course


V:  next 

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... kittyfan, good news on your numbers being down ... you had another busy day and it sounds like the only time you will be able to enjoy a UB is when DB goes home 😊😂 ... he has no rest!


walker, yes, my store moves things around too! 😏 I still use a paper note and when I make it out according to how the store aisles are set up ... it makes it a bit confusing trying to follow my note 😂😂 ... I think the stores are trying to keep us on our toes!! 😵 ... did it "warm" up enough for you to get your outdoor decorations up?


We finally got our first snowfall of the season overnight ... about 6" ... glad I don't have to go out ... and we're not getting LS today ... DIL decided to take the day off.


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


V ~ hmm? 🤔 .. VELVEETA!! 😁








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Posts: 10,490
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌨️🎄...🇺🇸


Happy Wednesday!  Looks like we may get some snow later....light...🤞....or maybe it will go south of us.  I wouldn't care but basketball🏀 season has started.  We have a game to go to for GS later.  Six inches is a lot, Tootie.....and it's only beginning!  Ho, Ho, Ho!  🥴


UB time for you, kittyfan!  Get all the rest you can while DB is gone...😁.  Glad your numbers are better.


Birds of a feather, Tootie....I make out my grocery list on paper too and try to do same....according to store layout.

I feel like a dinosaur when I pass people looking at their list on phone ...😆.  Works for long as store doesn't move things...🤣.


We did get our outdoor decorations out but it wasn't much warmer than recent days.  The sun was out but wind picked up. Brrrrr.... We moved fast and I said "good enough"!🤣.  Thankful to be back in my warm house.


All for now....speaking of lists...I need to make my gift list and get going.  We have to have our family Christmas early this year...15th.  I don't like it but whatchagonnado?  Other family obligations.  We'll be together so that is what is important.  

Bye for jolly!  See you later.


W .... Walnuts


NEXT .... X 





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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good evening


I am having one of those days. I managed to spilll a bottle of the tiniest pills on earth. I know I didn't get them all but I tried.


I lost sound on the TV. Went to unplug it. Hit the shelf holding modem etc. Crashing down. When brother initially put it up had it too high. Looked nice but not practical. 

He texted me to say he was at airport. dW called to check on me. Said he had landed. She traveled a lot with her job. Brother said he doesn't tell them time plane leaves. She is one who is the straggler on the plane!  I know he is there early   he travels so much he has all the shortcuts available.  He told me when he worked one time during a single day he was in three difféent cities across the state.  


Numbers too low.  Back to giving myself injections. Argh. Last week was great.  


Brother said he would be back for a quick check in later this month. I know I have to get an altrasound and DR followup in January. 


I see the Rockefeller tree lights tonight. 


X:  xing out that darn ice and snow. 


Y:  next 


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Posts: 7,988
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... kittyfan, you had a "I want to go back to bed" day yesterday ... hope you have a better day today.


walker, glad you were able to get your decorations out ... now you can work on getting things done for your early Christmas celebration ... December moves by quickly.


We got more snow overnight and it is quite blustery right now ... snow for most of the morning ... I have my mammogram this morning but I think I may have to cancel, I'm not driving in this weather ... and I also have my flu vaccine scheduled for later this afternoon ... I may still keep that one as the place is not far ... we'll see.


Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... stay safe and warm.


Y ~ Yogurt