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I spent the weekend reading a book for book club. We haven't been meeting. Missed last one as I wasnt interested in book and hadcTA. Well this book is about a family rowing tea in a village I China. Near the end of the book it said"all pandemics start in China". I had to look at publication date. 2017. Yes we are dealing with one giant one. Numbers in my county at rising I do thecTS but other than that limit any stops. My trip for domino's with friends is limited also small group.

P:. Peach cobbler

Q:. Next
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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning ~  Wow kittyfan I believe it - all or most Pandemics start in China.  Looking back, a lot of bad things started there.  


Tootie, love the Hyena picture and your caption!  Still chuckling over it.  Another good one walker, regarding the many bumps incurred yesterday.  Have you gotten up yet?  Funny stuff around here!


Yesterday I was working on a spreadsheet and got it all set up and entered the pertinent information.  I went to save it and hit the wrong key and bam!$#%* - 1.5 hours of work gone!  Sooo, I started a new one and will be doing something with purpose today.  No UB's until done!


Slithering onto the MGR riding Igor Iguana who is very handsome for an Iguana.  He has a little sombrero and a guitar which he uses to charm lady Iguanas.  Not only that - he loves flies and bugs, and also a big fan of green Mimosas - thinking Lime?

MGR Igor the Iguana.jpg

His best friend is a cute little white bunny who hides among the shrubs and tall grass in the back 40.  She is quite playful and loves to play leap Iguana since all the Frogs are hiding on the front porch in potted plants.




Passing the coffee ~

Q - Quirky group here  or Quesadillas

R is next



There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸😷


Well, my guys are on their way!  They left shortly after 5AM..yawn!

Boys were all smiling ....van was PACKED FULL!  No room for grandma....ha!!!  So....10 days  "Home Alone"...🙀....NO COOKING!!! 👍 Well, minimal....I will be enjoying salads!  


kittyfan, glad you could check in....good news that Cafe is very busy....bad news that you had trouble with your order but that pie must have made up for it all! Yum!


cookie, how upsetting to lose all that work on your spreadsheet....Mama wrong move....ooops...start over!

Leave it to you to find that iguana on the MGR! 

Well, I feel like I should go back to bed but will just have more coffee. to MGR....might catch me sleeping today!  Think I will drift along on Susie 🦢Swan.


Better go.....don't need any bumps today! Tootie should be here soon.  👋👋

Happy Tuesday!


R ..... Romaine Lettuce


NEXT .... S 


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Good morning friends ... ugh kittyfan! a no show for the volunteer?! it's a good thing that you know what you are doing and get things done without them ... sorry you had so much confusion at the Cafe but at least you got your piece of pie! ... interesting information about pandemics starting in China.


cookie, I think you need to stay away from the Mimosas so you can get your spreadsheet done ... how maddening that you spent all that time preparing it and then with one hit of the button ... it's gone!! Good luck today!! ... Igor is a colorful cutie ... I'll whip up a batch of Lime Mimoas ...


walker, safe travels to the guys as they head out on the Great Adventure ... I'm sure they will practice all safety precautions and have a great time!! ... while they're gone you can read your book and possible camp out on the MGR if you want to!! Woman Very Happy ...


We'll have a pleasant 80 degree day (humidity is supposed to drop!!) ... DD is coming over after work ... we'll have dinner and then go for a bike ride ...


Hopping on the MGR ... I think I'll ride the giraffe today ... round and round and round we go ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


R ~ Riding the MGR with friends ... or Rice






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Posts: 7,996
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

BUMP ... Hi walker!! you just can't get a break from these bumps ... luckily I just put the Mimosas in the Bar Booth ... otherwise we would have had a mess!!


Happy and Safe Trails to the guys!! See you later ...


S ~ Salami






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OH NO!  BUMP!!!  Sorry, Tootie!  I am in a fog and did not see you.......🥴.


S .... Sugar


NEXT .... T 



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HA.....BUMP...BUMP again.....hey, it is waking me up!


Off we go....I need to just SIT myself down on Susie Swan!  Thanks for mimosas, Tootie!  

T .... THYME ... for ....FUN!!!  

NEXT .... U 

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MGR Susannah Swan.jpg

Ahhh, walker, Susannah/Susie for short has arrived for your MGR pleasure enjoying Tootie's best.


MGR Giraffe.jpg

And Tootie, Geraldine Giraffe awaits you.  She loves Mimosas!


Now for the


U - UB's   none for me until the spreadsheet is done!

V is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Susie is perfect for our "bumping" Queen ... just sit down and enjoy the ride walker ... hahaha!! ... and Geraldine should enjoy her day on the MGR with nonstop Mimosas ...


Oh .. thinking ... thinking ... thinking of a good ...


V ~ VELVEETA ... will be our lunch for today.


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My ride today was perfect!  Thanks for not waking me up when I fell asleep...ha!  

I have done absolutely nothing today other than take a walk.  I did make a call about my phone service (landline) since I got new modem last week.  Phone works but not for my son in FL.  He cannot make a connection to our landline with his cell phone when he calls here.  Very strange!!! So, he calls my cell which is ok but this never happened before. Anyway, you know what it is like to call these companies!! 😡


First I was connected with some gal in Bombay that I could not understand at all.  Then she connects me with Tech Central Europe!  Geez!  Hard to understand him too but better.  Long story short....nothing was resolved...I was disgusted...he said unplug this...reboot, not doing it...I run risk of screwing everything up while DH is away and I don't want a tech person coming in while he is gone.   So aggravating....terrible customer service.


Sorry.....on a roll...blowing steam....😤🤬🤣


Hope you have had a good day. 

W .... Whole Wheat Bread


NEXT ..... X