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It's pretty hard to ruin a batch of cookies but here are reasons for possible failures.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Resons for Cookie Failure



Great chart.  


Although I am a cookie monster at heart, a bakery manager corrected me recently on "types" of cookies.   


I always thought cookies came soft/ chewy  or hard/crispy.  I like the chewy types. 


Actually, depending on the ingredients and time baked,  cookies come out hard/crispy, chewy or with  a soft doughy-like texture, sort of like the top half of a cupcake.  They are actually a thing.


Gotta stay up to speed with both the cookie trends and classics.  Woman Happy

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Re: Resons for Cookie Failure

I will happily consume them all.  Send your failures to me!🍪🍪

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Posts: 21,325
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Resons for Cookie Failure



There was an old wives' tale:   "Never bake on a STORMY day". 


I believed it was hogwash...UNTIL I found out first-hand that a cake CAN fall from THUNDER...     And also, the relative humidity can make a big difference...      di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Resons for Cookie Failure

Cookies are not my fave thing to make anyway--never has been. I do like eating cookies tho. But baking is a science--things need to be measured the right way and proportions need to be exact too. Have never been one to dump and eye ball  the ingredients--seems it all turns out bad and then dumped in the trash. My former SIL was not that way however--seems like everything she made, turned out AMAZING and she just dumped it altogether!!! I need to follow a recipe and carefully measure things----times and temps need to be exact too. Very rarely do my dump and runs--ever turn out

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Posts: 21,325
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Resons for Cookie Failure

I only measure leavening for baking, and dump in the "rest"


For "everyday" meals...I can duplicate anything I have eaten in a restaurant...WITHOUT a recipé

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Resons for Cookie Failure

I have long ago (chilhood) learned that not usijng real butter makes for bad tasting cookies.  Also not enough sugar and the reason you posted.



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