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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

@Carmie wrote:

So many of QVC's food offerings are nothing but processed foods.  The sodium content is extremely high and it seems everything has sugar, even foods that you would never suspect.


I know desserts and sweets are not healthy foods, but come on.  Frozen food to be served as an entree or side dish don't need all that added junk.


No wonder Americans are overweight and many people have health issues.  We need to go back to basic good food.


I prefer to make my own food at home.  Sometimes it is inconvenient, but I know what I am eating.


The QVC food is so expensive, but the quality is not there. What a shame.

I lead a busy life and don't always have time to cook exclusively from scratch.  Having some frozen choices on hand is usually a better choice than take out.


You mind your plate and I'll mind mine.

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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

@Carmie wrote:

So many of QVC's food offerings are nothing but processed foods.  The sodium content is extremely high and it seems everything has sugar, even foods that you would never suspect.


I know desserts and sweets are not healthy foods, but come on.  Frozen food to be served as an entree or side dish don't need all that added junk.


No wonder Americans are overweight and many people have health issues.  We need to go back to basic good food.


I prefer to make my own food at home.  Sometimes it is inconvenient, but I know what I am eating.


The QVC food is so expensive, but the quality is not there. What a shame.

I agree 100% with ALL of your comments. MOST of the food QVC sells, besides being RIDICULOUSLY OVERPRICED  is FAR from HEALTHY.  I like making my own food, and I NEVER eat any frozen food - WAY too much sodium.

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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

How can they call him the hometown butcher. His company is worth over $1 billion. He’s taking over every single food group and slowly trying to put good people out of work. Annabel‘s kitchen now he’s competing with the Mancini meatballs. And now they bought up perfect gourmet. I have never liked him. I have never liked his family. They’re very fake in my opinion. Now that I know they own perfect for May. I will be canceling my AutoShip. And I get very irked every time I hear them say this is the same guy who supplies steaks to seven star restaurants in Dubai , why do we care that’s not what he’s selling us. The wording they used to sell these products he’s like a ConMan on live television.
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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

And the hamburgers are available at my local grocery store...I saw $19.99 price but did not check how many were in the box.

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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

@Not shocked, I'm curious, what employees have been put out of work?

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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

Anyone notice the labels on the items in your grocery store's fresh meat counter? 

I guess to insure no additives you could always pluck that chicken in your own back yard.


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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

@Etoile308 wrote:

Anyone notice the labels on the items in your grocery store's fresh meat counter? 

I guess to insure no additives you could always pluck that chicken in your own back yard.


@Etoile308  It's amazingly easy to butcher and process chickens. We did it for years, and DD still does it.

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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@Etoile308 wrote:

Anyone notice the labels on the items in your grocery store's fresh meat counter? 

I guess to insure no additives you could always pluck that chicken in your own back yard.


@Etoile308  It's amazingly easy to butcher and process chickens. We did it for years, and DD still does it.



But @PA Mom-mom 


That is not feasable for so many of us.  In our town, you can't even have chickens (hens) unless you own 2 acres or more and no roosters under 5 acres.


Housing developments don't usually have such large lots, so Joe Everyday isn't going to be able to raise his own meat.

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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

@RespectLife  I hear you. My DS is struggling with his township to raise chickens. He has an acre, and the neighbors doen't mind. So far no dice. Still, we live in a cul-de-sac in a suburban neighborhood and have butchered in the garage. We've even processed deer. We live on a quarter of an acre.  Our neighbors, however, are all friendly. I realize this isn't possible for everyone. Too bad.

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Re: Rastelli's Are Gobbling Up All the QVC Food Brands

Tried burgers, So bad we put them. In .garbage