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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

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@tiny 2  thinking good thoughts for you today dear lady . . . Heart


See the source image

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Quick update on that Aldi tablecloth/napkins, they are a steal for that $9.99 price!  Nice heft to the material (I thought they would be much thinner) and yes the color is definitely gray . . . Smiley Happy


The holiday colors are also lovely and I would say a bit muted but if you are looking for something like this these are a great deal!

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Sometimes it's hard to break in new snowboots:

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@mustang66lady wrote:

Dear @KathyInColorado 

Thank you for your sweet post.  I welcome you to the "Soup" thread and hope you join us often.  We are open to all who read this thread.  





I echo...welcome.  Please join us anytime!


It was SO very kind of you to post for dear Tiny 2.



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Registered: ‎02-27-2012

@tiny 2 

Hugs and prayers for you and your family...always!

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Registered: ‎02-27-2012




Countryside Creamery Butter is on sale for $1.99 this week.  Limit 6


Our sale started today...

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Posts: 21,425
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Ok, remember Walter the rather opinionated French bulldog?  Where here is his and even more opinionated younger cousin:


Oh goodness I would so bust him out of that cage . . . Smiley Very Happy

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Our springer spaniel, Buster was sitting next to me as I clicked on your link featuring Walter.  Buster couldn't figure out how Walter got into my computer but was visibly upset that Walter couldn't play!

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Posts: 21,425
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]

@mustang66lady wrote:


Our springer spaniel, Buster was sitting next to me as I clicked on your link featuring Walter.  Buster couldn't figure out how Walter got into my computer but was visibly upset that Walter couldn't play!

Hee @mustang66lady  I am so sorry that that little guy couldn't come out to play with Buster as I know they would have been friends . . . Smiley Very Happy


I had no idea how expressive those French Bulldogs are.  I guess the HOA saved me from myself as I would have one of those in a heartbeat.  I love furballs that you can actually converse with and they answer you . . . Heart


eta:  I think what makes that video even more enjoyable is the wonderful woman who is obviously just crazy about him.  Her back and forth with him is the cherry on top so to speak.

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Posts: 21,425
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Good morning Kitchenettes, happy Thankful Thursday my dear friends . . . Heart


See the source image