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The Mexican brand, Molina, seems to be sold everywhere in the US and says on the label that it is safe. I have used it a lot. I also buy it from Penzey's.
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We've been using Mexican Vanilla for over 35 years, as well as NM. Brought my first bottle back in 1977. You do use less of it, as it tends to be stronger.

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When vacationing in Mexico we always brought back silver jewelry, Kahlua and vanilla.

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We always found some humor in the pure Mexican vanilla. You are restricted in the amount of booze you can bring back every 30 days, but there's no limit on the vanilla. Pure vanilla is 35% alcohol. It has a higher alcohol content than a lot of the booze you might bring back.

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Add vanilla to vodka and put in a fine spray bottle. Use it as an air freshener in the kitchen, on sweaters (dark colors). Don't throw it out.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
Posts: 49
Registered: ‎04-09-2010

I made my own vanilla extract and gave bottles as gifts. I purchased beautiful bottles at Marshall's. I purchased my Madagascar beans from The recipe is on their site.

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On 2/10/2014 KYToby said:

Both Penzey's and Neilsen-Massey make great Mexican vanilla, and there are a number of other reputable brands on the market. Mexican vanilla has a spicier taste and pairs well with chocolate.

I make my own vanilla extra using Bourbon (I am in Kentucky, after all), and I use one part Mexican vanilla beans (for spice), one part Tahitian vanilla beans (for aroma), and two parts of Madagascar vanilla beans (a great all-purpose vanilla). It works out well in many things.

I'm a bourbon girl, too, and that's how I make most of my vanilla.

Actually, I start both a fifth of bourbon and a fifth of Grey Goose vodka and make vanilla from them, each in their own bottles. I take my time with vanilla and let it go for a good six months or so before I use it. During that time, the bottles are stored in the kitchen cabinet and I roll each bottle carefully about once a week or so. I get my vanilla beans on eBay from VanillaTraders...they have great vanilla beans. I prefer Madagascar beans, but I have gotten Tahitian beans from eBay and they're really good, too.

I use my bourbon vanilla in custards, coffee cakes, and in butter pecan cake. Anything where just a hint of bourbon will add a bit of a kick to the food. My vodka vanilla is primarily used with chocolate recipes and in most cupcake recipes.

Right now I'm almost at the end of my bourbon vanilla and I don't have much vodka vanilla left either. Christmas baking really does a number on my vanilla supplies. But I do have new bottles started, so I should be good.

And don't forget, you can make a decadent vanilla sugar with your split vanilla beans, too!

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On 2/12/2014 poobear1 said:

I made my own vanilla extract and gave bottles as gifts. I purchased beautiful bottles at Marshall's. I purchased my Madagascar beans from The recipe is on their site.

Thanks for the link poobear1!! I've been wanting to do this for quite some time. I'd like to make some and give as gifts. I think this would make a great gift along with maybe some bakeware, etc. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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I use it exactly the same as any other vanilla.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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On 2/10/2014 KYToby said:

Both Penzey's and Neilsen-Massey make great Mexican vanilla, and there are a number of other reputable brands on the market. Mexican vanilla has a spicier taste and pairs well with chocolate.

I make my own vanilla extra using Bourbon (I am in Kentucky, after all), and I use one part Mexican vanilla beans (for spice), one part Tahitian vanilla beans (for aroma), and two parts of Madagascar vanilla beans (a great all-purpose vanilla). It works out well in many things.

Thanks for the description. I had a feeling Mexican vanilla would be something good! I'm going to look around for some locally.

Your version sounds even better!