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Re: Making butter: a question

Vamp, I would buy something like that-it's just a bit of Americana or "the old ways". I wanted to buy something similar from Lehman's for DD.....but the price was ridiculous.....that being said, I have all kinds of kitchen gadgets and electronics to accomplish the task of making butter, but there is something so very wonderful about making it the "old way". Thanks. Poodlepet
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Re: Making butter: a question

Pickwickpapers, I have had a glass of wine, but go for the gold: buy the cow, and get the milk for free! Oh yeah, we got it goin'....milk, cheese, ice cream, butta....go..o..go....we have got it!
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Re: Making butter: a question

Poodlepet, you've got me lmbo! I think you need to lighten up on the vino!!!! :~D………BTW, thanks to your reply to my question. I think I may try making some butta also.
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Re: Making butter: a question

Just buy an old fashioned Mason jar. No, not for the wine, to make butter. That was probably used more than anything else!

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: Making butter: a question

On 11/25/2014 chrystaltree said:

Does QVC sell butter churns

LOL It will be next year's hot ticket from MarkCharles and Kuhn Rikon.