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Re: Make your own baby formula

@bmorechick wrote:

My daughter breast fed all of her children with much success. I tried with all 4 of my kids and it wasn't for me. It took so long for my milk to come in and I wasn't patient enough to hang in there. 

By the way, I do believe a woman can start lactating again by pumping with a hospital grade pump to get her milk supply going. The only thing is it takes a while. Again, that's a phone call to a lactation consultant or doctor.


I did a search on the 'net and you CAN start lactating again, in some cases.


My son was born almost 4 weeks early and I tried and tried to breastfeed him but he never got the knack of latching on, etc. I called the LaLache league for help and advice, and all I got from them was a ration of s*h*i*t   for daring to think of using formula. Are they still even in business? I sure hope not, if they treat other women the way they treated me. There I was, a first-time mother of a nearly premature baby who couldn't figure out how to nurse and I was a nervous wreck TRYING to breast feed , and they gave me all kinds of ... well, you know. 

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Registered: ‎12-17-2021

Re: Make your own baby formula

@Somertime wrote:

  They went on whole milk early as well as actual food.


I was just thinking about that. I wonder if/when if would be safe to start babies on whole milk. My sister's doctor told her to keep her son on WHOLE milk till he was two years old; after than, older babies/children should get skim/low fat milk because they don't need the extra fat.


When my son was a baby in the 80's, giving them solid food before they were 6 months/1 year was a HUGE no no. As a result, there's a lot of people with food allergies because their digestivef systems didn't get "challenged" by early exposure to solid food.

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Re: Make your own baby formula

I wish people would stop with the "make your own formula". 


Well meaning but not helpful.


I have a stake in this shortage.  My first grandson will be 3 weeks old on Monday and I wouldn't even think of telling my daughter to whip up some concoction in the kitchen to feed him.


We have enough here to hopefully get through until stores are able to fully restock and I'm not sorry. 

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Re: Make your own baby formula

@PuppyLoverBob666 wrote:

@bmorechick wrote:

My daughter breast fed all of her children with much success. I tried with all 4 of my kids and it wasn't for me. It took so long for my milk to come in and I wasn't patient enough to hang in there. 

By the way, I do believe a woman can start lactating again by pumping with a hospital grade pump to get her milk supply going. The only thing is it takes a while. Again, that's a phone call to a lactation consultant or doctor.


I did a search on the 'net and you CAN start lactating again, in some cases.


My son was born almost 4 weeks early and I tried and tried to breastfeed him but he never got the knack of latching on, etc. I called the LaLache league for help and advice, and all I got from them was a ration of s*h*i*t   for daring to think of using formula. Are they still even in business? I sure hope not, if they treat other women the way they treated me. There I was, a first-time mother of a nearly premature baby who couldn't figure out how to nurse and I was a nervous wreck TRYING to breast feed , and they gave me all kinds of ... well, you know. 




I recall a friend of mine having the same trouble with this group years ago because of their intimidation and pressure.  They literally had to be thrown out of the hospital by security.  

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Re: Make your own baby formula

@ECBG  Yes. I remember my mom talking about the exact same thing for feeding babies: evaporated milk and liquid baby vitamins. Later, a little rice cereal was added to the bottles.

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Re: Make your own baby formula

People in this country will fall for anything now.  Really?  Babies can't be healthy without commercially made food?  That is simply THE most outrageous load of hogwash I have ever heard. 


How in the name of Pete do they think humans have survived for thousands and thousands around the world without USA made commercial baby food?


We will believe anything now. Good people, brilliant people, common folk, criminals and Einstein, St. Matthew, Plato, George Washington and a few others managed to live and do ok.  

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Re: Make your own baby formula



I would only trust my doctor in this instance.  Nutrition for babies is a complex subject when proper development depends upon what is fed.

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Re: Make your own baby formula

@Sooner wrote:

People in this country will fall for anything now.  Really?  Babies can't be healthy without commercially made food?  That is simply THE most outrageous load of hogwash I have ever heard. 


How in the name of Pete do they think humans have survived for thousands and thousands around the world without USA made commercial baby food?


We will believe anything now. Good people, brilliant people, common folk, criminals and Einstein, St. Matthew, Plato, George Washington and a few others managed to live and do ok.  

This is really insulting...

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Re: Make your own baby formula

@Sooner wrote:

People in this country will fall for anything now.  Really?  Babies can't be healthy without commercially made food?  That is simply THE most outrageous load of hogwash I have ever heard. 


How in the name of Pete do they think humans have survived for thousands and thousands around the world without USA made commercial baby food?


We will believe anything now. Good people, brilliant people, common folk, criminals and Einstein, St. Matthew, Plato, George Washington and a few others managed to live and do ok.  




Very good point.  While we all have the benefit of being able to do considerable internet research, people also seem a lot more gullible than they used to be .... and I have no idea why.  


These days, there seem to be more experts and wannabe-experts, influencers, and let's not forget those that self-publish and have podcasts, blogs, and whatnot.


Honestly, I don't even know what's in baby formula these days, but whatever alternatives people select, it's probably only going to be short term.   The kids will survive.


(That's just my opinion, of course)

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Make your own baby formula


Years ago I sat next to a grocery executive on a cross country flight, and she was a wealth of information.   


She said that in every one of their grocery stores, nationwide, baby formula is the number one shoplifted item in stores.  Explains why it's now often found in locked glass cabinets.