Super Contributor
Posts: 407
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Your recipe for the baked shrimp scampi was absolutely THE BEST!!! I made it tonight for dinner with roasted aspargras and rice. I have to say it was sooooooooooo delicious! Thank you for posting it.

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎03-15-2010


I just want to say Thank You for your posts. You have some awesome recipes and I have had much success making them. I always look forward to seeing your name on the board!

I'll see a title and think...that sounds good! then I see LoLa and I Know it will be good.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,371
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Darn, I missed it. Would someone mind reposting it when you have a chance. Thanks.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,430
Registered: ‎02-27-2012

Here is the link...cut and paste and you will find it. Sorry, I don't know how to make the link so you can click on it directly.

Yes, thank you again, Lola

And thank you poppinfresh for reposting and letting those of us who missed it how yummy it is! can't wait to try it!

Super Contributor
Posts: 407
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Your so welcome RespectLife. It was so amazingly delicious that I just had to thank LoLa for posting it.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 774
Registered: ‎11-27-2010

Hi PoppinFresh.... That's awesome! I'm so happy that you loved it. It really makes me day when I can share something that me and my family loves with everyone! I honestly, can't take the credit though, because those recipes are created by some truly talented people. I'm just lucky enough to occasionally stumble across one of these gems. Thank you again for taking the time to write this. It was super sweet and greatly appreciated!

Hi TrishTx...Thank you so very much for your kind words. I really enjoy finding these treasures and sharing them with you. It's nice to share with everyone.

Hi LuvPoos.... I hope if you try it, you'll love it.

Hi RespectLife.... Thank you so much for taking the time to post that link. I really appreciate it. Thank you also, for your kind words.

Super Contributor
Posts: 958
Registered: ‎02-06-2014

thanks for posting..

Super Contributor
Posts: 622
Registered: ‎11-13-2010
On 2/14/2014 TrishTX said:


I just want to say Thank You for your posts. You have some awesome recipes and I have had much success making them. I always look forward to seeing your name on the board!

I'll see a title and think...that sounds good! then I see LoLa and I Know it will be good.
