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Registered: ‎04-12-2010

Italian Easter Bread Recipe (Barbieb and CarolynnFromLongIsland)

Hello Barbieb & CarolynnFromLongIsland (and everyone else)! Here's the recipe you requested. I am not a bread baker - in fact this is the only time I use yeast. I'm always worried that I'll mess up the recipe, but this always comes out good. This is from my mother-n-law and is very similar to the bread my grandmother made. This bread is also good toasted with butter. Sure does bring back memories every time I make it!

1/4 c milk
1/3 c granulated sugar
1/2 t salt
3 T butter
1/3 warm water
1 package dry yeast
2 eggs
3 1/2 c flour (approximately)
1 T anise seed (more or less depending on your taste)

Scald milk; Stir in sugar, salt and butter. Stir until butter is melted. Set aside to cool to lukewarm.

Turn water into bowl; Stir in yeast and let proof, about 10 minutes. Sometime I add a teaspoon of sugar to help proof the yeast. When yeast is ready, stir in the milk mixture and eggs. Add 1 1/4 cup of flour and mix until smooth. Stir in enough of the remaining flour to make a soft dough. Turn out on a lightly floured boad and knead lightly until dough is smooth and elastic and does not stick. Put dough into greased bowl and brush lightly with melted butter. Cover and light rise until doubled in size.

Turn out on lightly floured boad and knead in anise seed. Shape dough into either rolls or small loaves. Place on greased cookie sheet or in loaf pans and brush with melted butter. Cover and let rise again until double in size.

Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes, or until golden in color.