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On 11/16/2014 Catlove125 said: Sorry, off topic, but this post reminded me of a movie I watched as a kid where the family's turkey was destroyed and they ended up going to a Chinese restaurant for their Christmas meal and it was a duck complete with it's head! Hehe On topic, growing up, my mom just roasted it like chicken. However, use a rack to keep it above the fat/oil which is a lot!

Your post reminded me - a few years ago I was in the International District in Seattle and purchased a cooked duck. They cut it up for me and when I opened the package at home the head and feet were in the package!

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PS: I saw ducks frozen at Costco.

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Registered: ‎11-23-2013
On 11/16/2014 My Thoughts said:

When I make duck I stuff it with saurkraut.

Always pock the breast with a fork and roast breast side down, on a rack.

You stuff a duck? Doesn't the saurkraut absorb the grease?

I roast my turkeys breast side down so the breast will stay moist. But a duck? That sounds very greasy.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Oh........I used to cook a duck on the grill rotisserie all the time with a maple orange glaze, and the skin would be soooooo crisp, and not greasy at all.......Love me some Peking Duck as well......{#emotions_dlg.tt1} There used to be a doctor that I worked with and he would always bring me back some duck when he went to San Franscisco, where they pumped the ducks up with a bicycle pump under the skin, and hung them upside down, and then roasted them, and they were so good, and then would make soup out of the bones.........Cool

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......
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The title makes me chuckle. Those are fighting words here in Oregon.

My grands are being raised by two ducks

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
We are duck eaters!!!! Maple Leaf Farms sells half ducks that are pre- cooked in the frozen food section of our grocer. These are marvelous: they come with orange sauce and to crisp it up, you can run it under the broiler. That being said visit the Maple Leaf Farms web-site and explore their products and recipes. We love their duck bacon and I love cooking with duck fat. It has been equivocation to olive oil in terms of health.....but anybody can read about that and make their own decisions. THIS is a cooking forum, make your own health decisions, and I am sorry, but I just feel compelled to say that these days......another purveyor of duck is D' is really the upper echelon- particularly with the Moulard.....beautiful.....their duck bacon is a cut above from Maple Leaf: it is exclusively from Moulard. They have some fabulous recipes and top restaurants do buy from them and I have spoken with them: no problems, but I just found Maple Leaf Farms to be less intimidating. Poodlepet
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Poodlepet! You are a true food snob!

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Get frozen Maple Leaf duck. They are about 30 bucks for a 6lb duck. Thaw well, at least 3 days in fridge. Then take it out , cut in half. Marinate in that soy, teriyaki sauce. Soy Yaki? It is Kosher, has a blue and white label? Douse the duck with this and a few shots of shirrachi sauce, and a dash of BBQ sauce if you got it. Mush up and marinate over night, or at least 8 hours. Put on grill on higher level, with foil pan with water in it below I think husband cooks it an hour and a few minutes. Turnng a couple times. Duck cannot be left unattended at a high heat. If you have not cooked it before, stay with it. It has fatty skin, and could catch on fire.

Let set 20 minutes before cutting into pieces. You tube has videos on bbqing duck, or oven roasting it. Although, unless it is in parts oven roasting a whole duck is hard. It spits, smokes etc

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I get duck through Pekin Paradise,

They also have a variety of recipes for both whole duck and duck parts. Their customer service is the best.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,878
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 11/16/2014 Marp2 said:

I get duck through Pekin Paradise,

They also have a variety of recipes for both whole duck and duck parts. Their customer service is the best.


Thank you! I think I will order from them. Thanks again, I never would have found it myself!