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Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

I just started ,,,
Once the veggies are gone, what do you do with the leftover brine?

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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

I pickle beets---and add more beets to that brine for a few times. 

The brine does last and tastes just fine. Do you cook your brine first? I do and then let it cool before adding the cooked beets.

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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

@wagirl wrote:

I pickle beets---and add more beets to that brine for a few times. 

The brine does last and tastes just fine. Do you cook your brine first? I do and then let it cool before adding the cooked beets.

No cooking.  I do as little "work" as possible.
I simmer the water until warm/hot, then do 1/2 water; 1/2 vinegar.

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

@wagirl wrote:

I pickle beets---and add more beets to that brine for a few times. 

The brine does last and tastes just fine. Do you cook your brine first? I do and then let it cool before adding the cooked beets.

Ha!  I just re-read your post and you answered another question I had - - 
you DO cook your beets.
I've never pickled beets but I was thinking if I sliced them very thin, I could bypass cooking them.

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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

I buy the canned beets plain and pickle them because I just like them more than the bought pickled ones.


I bring the brine to a boil, add the beets and take off the burner to cool.


Put in Mason jar and keep in fridge.  


Just recently, I ate some pickled carrots and just did some carrots and green beans myself!  Had mine as a side to an Asian dish.  Yummy and a nice added flavor!


I use the Ball Pickling mix but there are several recipes.  Find one you love and keep "pickles."



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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

i pickle red peppers=pimentoes. I use them in casseroles and chicken salad, tuna salad, potatoe salad etc.

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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

[ Edited ]

Pickled red onion...the best on tacos, carnitas,bbq pork sandwiches, fish, and sub sndwiches....yum

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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

@RinaRina --Yes I do cook the beets--then I peel them and cut them up  and add to the pickling liquid. My recipe has water and vinegar along with some sweetener and a few spices---I like a sweet pickle on things--not alot just a little. I use cane sugar or brown sugar or honey 

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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

@LizzieInSRQ wrote:

Pickled red onion...the best on tacos, carnitas,bbq pork sandwiches, fish, and sub sndwiches....yum


THAT is how I discovered pickling.
I started out with red onions.  OMG!  So good!

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Do you Pickle Veggies Regularly?

@wagirl wrote:

I pickle beets---and add more beets to that brine for a few times. 

The brine does last and tastes just fine. Do you cook your brine first? I do and then let it cool before adding the cooked beets.


I just dumped the brine.
It had been in the fridge for 2 weeks and I didn't use it because I didn't cut more veggies.
But it sure did taste good.
I thought about just DRINKING it.  LOL!

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."