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Recently Cook's Country made Shrimp and Creamy Grits.


She put the grits in butter and 'cooked' them about 3-4 minutes to bring out the corn flavor; added 1/2 milk and water and cooked.


I did not get to see it all.  Did any of you or do you belong to Cook's Country and could provide the recipe?


We always stirred dry grits into boiling water to cook.  Not I use my rice cooker and put dry grits in cold water and cook.


I have never seen dry grits put into butter before they were cooked but they said it increased the corn flavor.  I sure would like to try them.  Love grits!


Anybody see the show?  Or belong to Cook's Country?  

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

[ Edited ]

You cannot cook grits in butter.  you must have some liquid.  I am not going to pay to see the video but I cook creamy grits by using 1/4 water, 1/4 milk and 1/2 half-and-half (or use whipping cream instead of half-and-half, not whipped cream but whipping cream).  


You can add butter once the grits get rolling-boiling.  Or you can add butter, for best effect, at serving time.


The more half-and-half you add to the water, the creamier they will be.  I have made creamy grits just by using milk and no other liquid but you have to be very careful not to scorch your milk.

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

@Zhills wrote:

Recently Cook's Country made Shrimp and Creamy Grits.


She put the grits in butter and 'cooked' them about 3-4 minutes to bring out the corn flavor; added 1/2 milk and water and cooked.


I did not get to see it all.  Did any of you or do you belong to Cook's Country and could provide the recipe?


We always stirred dry grits into boiling water to cook.  Not I use my rice cooker and put dry grits in cold water and cook.


I have never seen dry grits put into butter before they were cooked but they said it increased the corn flavor.  I sure would like to try them.  Love grits!


Anybody see the show?  Or belong to Cook's Country?  

@Zhills, if you have Amazon Video, Season 7 of Cooks Country is on it and episode 10 shows how to make Creamy Cheese Grits with BBQ Shrimp.

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

Thanks I will try to find it.  Never heard of this method before.


Can good grits possibly be any better?

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

@Zhills wrote:

Thanks I will try to find it.  Never heard of this method before.


Can good grits possibly be any better?

I live in the West and never had grits.  Haven't seen them on any menu either.  But we sure do have potatoes.  I've had friends from Georgia come to visit.  When we go out to eat they always say "where's the grits?"

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

Here is the recipe for the grits from the show:


3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 cup grits
2 1/4 cups whole milk
2 cups water
Salt and pepper



1. FOR THE GRITS: Melt 1 tablespoon butter in medium saucepan over medium heat. Add grits and cook, stirring often, until fragrant, about 3 minutes. Add milk, water, and 3/4 teaspoon salt. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer, whisking often, until thick and creamy, about 25 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in remaining 2 tablespoons butter, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and keep warm.

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

Thanks for posting the recipe @lumpin. And welcome to the boards!


I LOVE grits and this thread is making me hungry. . .

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

[ Edited ]

I love grits!  The first time I ever saw them was on a breakfast plate in California in 1969 of all things.  


No wonder these people can't deal with grits.  They are, how shall I say this delicately, from the "north."  Woman LOL  How would they know about Georgia Ice Cream (grits with sugar in them) or any other grits!  LOL!!!


I'll add:  I looked this up:  Grits are a food made from corn that is ground into a coarse meal and then boiled. Hominy grits are a type of grits made from hominy with the germ removed, which is corn that has been treated with an alkali in a process called nixtamalization.  I couldn't remember what you called it.


So because of the process, they aren't supposed to taste heavily of corn, like corn on the cob.  They are supposed to taste like grits.

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

I like Cook's Country and America's Test Kitchen but I refuse to sign up to either website - they make it so difficult.  The first time I tried they wanted everything but your first grandchild!  The second time I tried they wanted me to sign up for a paid subscription.


I also don't like that if you want a new seasons worth of recipes you have to buy a whole new cookbook with all the past seasons in it.

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Re: Cook's Country Creamy Grits

Not a grits fan.

First time I ever heard of shrimp & grits I thought to myself, why ruin the shrimp?