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Registered: ‎04-12-2010

Does anyone have a favorite cold soup recipe to share?  Thx!

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Cold Soup Recipes

[ Edited ]

Ok, this is unusual but fabulous on a hot summer day....Cold borscht (beet) soup. It's a known Polish dish.  Find a bottle of borscht in the ethnic aisle of the market. Add in a bit of buttermilk or sour cream (to taste), I use 1/2 cup per bottle. Add in sliced hard-boiled eggs and thinly sliced cucumber slices- Sooo sweet-tangy, tasty, and cooling, and easy- Its a fave of mine in summer! Hope you try it and love it too! 

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Posts: 1,068
Registered: ‎04-12-2010

@Skyegirl21 Thank you!  I've heard of borscht but have never had.  I love beets... copied this one down!

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Posts: 744
Registered: ‎05-31-2018

The other day I saw a recipe for cucumber soup!  It looked really good.  A quick google search pulled up a few recipes.