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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

I haven't heard of that beer @kate2357 


Intersting!  Is it one of those IPA beers?  


DH doesn't like Guiness type beers...and I can never seem to find single bottles.


I have used Blue Moon also...and you can't really tell, even though it is not a dark beer.


Honey Brown has gotten hard to find....Weg doesn't carry it anymore at my store, so I have to go to Consumer Bev.



Just to clarify...Kacky is the original poster.....I haven't seen her post in a long time though.

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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

It may only be available on west  coast. It's made in Alaska.



Richly malty and long on the palate, with just enough hop backing to make this beautiful amber colored “alt” style beer notably well balanced.



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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

Oh Wow @kate2357 


That even 'looks' good!



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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

@kate2357 wrote:

@AuntG wrote:

Makes me wonder why I bought it as a boxed mix. Seems easy to make. I always cubed it and served it with dips. Beer bread with beer dip was popular at work - creative way to drink on the job (just a joke - the dip only had a half cup of beer in it.)


I just wonder about the texture of the bread ... I will be interested to see how it turns out. 

Holy cow this bread is so easy to make and delicious. I made two versions, one loaf exactly as recipe lays out and another loaf w/ extra sharp Vermont cheddar, green onions and jalapenos. Both are really good. I wrapped up half of each and took over to one of my neighbors. My husband and I will gobble up the rest w/ our lentil soup.

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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy


Kate - this beer bread looks yummy.


Question - when you added the vermont cheese and green onions, how much did you add?  The recipe doesn't give amounts to add in.


I think I will skip on the jalapenos, as it may be too spicy

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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

@qvc chick wrote:


Kate - this beer bread looks yummy.


Question - when you added the vermont cheese and green onions, how much did you add?  The recipe doesn't give amounts to add in.


I think I will skip on the jalapenos, as it may be too spicy

@qvc chick 

The recipe author wrote: Try it cheesy. Stir in 1 cup of your favorite shredded cheese. I cubed up about 4 oz of the Vermont cheddar and it was not too much. Little bite size pcs of cheese. For the green onions I sliced up about 4 green onions and it was about the right amount. I put in all the dry ingredients, then cheese and onions, then honey and finally the beer. I used a spatula to mix everything...took less than 2 minutes to incorporate all the dry w/ the wet. It makes for a sticky dough.


Be careful if you put the butter on top ... do not use more than recipe states. I did use a bit more and it bubbled over the loaf pan and I had to clean the bottom of my oven. (ugh).

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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

@luvmybeetle wrote:

@kate2357   I just wanted to comment that I have made beer bread for many years and my recipe is much less work.  I use Coors beer as that is the one I found to be the tastiest.


1 bottle or can of beer

3 cups self-rising flour

3 tablespoons of sugar

1 egg


Mix all together at once except put in the beer last.  Put immediately in oven for 45 min.


I received this recipe back in the 80's from a co-worker.  I get all kinds of great comments on it.  But, I don't put other ingredients in it.

I have this recipe but it calls for 1 Tablespoon HONEY and no egg!  Simple buy delicious.

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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

Beer Biscuits


2 Cups biscuit mix

1 1/2 Tablespoons sugar

6 oz warm beer


Dissolve sugar in beer and add to biscuit mix.  Continue as making any biscuits.  I do drop biscuits!


IF MAKING FROM SCRATCH...use Beer instead of the liquid called for in the recipe.  Be sure to add the sugar as shown above! 

(11/2 Tbsp sugar to 6 oz beer)

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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

@kate2357 You had me at "jalapeno!"

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Re: BEER BREAD - Show Me the Yummy

@Sooner wrote:

@kate2357 You had me at "jalapeno!"



ITA. I have been accused of being a bit overly "fond" of adding jalapenos to items. Hey, chef's prerogative. Smiley Happy 

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."