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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎04-16-2017

Yes, I feel the prices are too high.  I LOVE most of the design on the tops.  I'm retired and on a fixed income.  I wish I could buy the beautiful embroidered tops or matching outfits.  Very high quality on the outfits I have bought.


I would like to see some old styles come back, especially the matching tops/bottoms with the bees and Ladybugs that had them cutout in the material.


I always seem to miss the first presentations on new items and they're sold out when I see them.  Any clue or info to get a jump on these embroidered clothes, please clue me in.


Thank you,



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Registered: ‎07-17-2010

Yes.... l have felt that way for a while. Now l only buy when they are on sale.