Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,310
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

where is the schedule for Q2??

I can't find it.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,926
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: where is the schedule for Q2??



You can type in “program guide” in the search bar.  Then, in the upper left corner, you will see a small box that says “QVC”.  Click on the little down arrow to the right of that and it will drop down a choice of “QVC”, “QVC2”, or “BeautyIQ”.  Click on which channel you want and it will show the program guide for that channel.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,310
Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: where is the schedule for Q2??

thanks...why do they make it soooo hidden??