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Has there been changes to how the Shopping cart works?  I know that you put things in the cart and it can stay there for about an hour.  After that it still shows on your page if it does not sale out and you can put it back in to buy.  Now if you don't buy it dissapears all together from your page.  Anyone else see that happen?

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@Arizona sunset 


No, I haven't.


I have quite a few things that I left in my cart and after an hour, they moved down to my 'save for later' list and they're still there.

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@Arizona sunset - That issue has been cropping up for different groups of users for the past few months; I experienced it for a long time late last year, but after several of us shared lots of details about what has happening so the moderators could share them with the tech team, I haven't had issues with my cart for awhile. Hopefully this isn't starting up again!


Here's the previous thread on the subject, in case it is at all helpful:


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@Arizona sunset wrote:

Has there been changes to how the Shopping cart works?  I know that you put things in the cart and it can stay there for about an hour.  After that it still shows on your page if it does not sale out and you can put it back in to buy.  Now if you don't buy it dissapears all together from your page.  Anyone else see that happen?

@Arizona sunset  You’re absolutely right. After a short time your items were moved from your cart to below so that you could view them and move them back to your cart, or not. Now they totally disappear. Very annoying! They lost sales from me for that reason. Don’t understand their logic in that bad choice.

F/N/A luvstogarden
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@Arizona sunset - I also thought I'd add that my cart is functioning just fine; I added an item this morning and then got distracted and forgot about it until now, and it was moved to the My Saved Items section (where I also have another item I saved there last week).


Have you tried the usual "clear your cookies and cache" tasks just in case those areas might be causing issues?

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Thanks for the answers.  Yesterday i went back and added the things i could remember to see what would happen and this morning i checked and they were moved to my Saved items below.  Go Figure will now order and take a chance as to where it will ship from.  Hope for Onterio, California.  I ordered a Skort from SG and the day after i ordered it they shipped it already.


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Re: shopping Cart

[ Edited ]

@Arizona sunset wrote:

Has there been changes to how the Shopping cart works?  I know that you put things in the cart and it can stay there for about an hour.  After that it still shows on your page if it does not sale out and you can put it back in to buy.  Now if you don't buy it dissapears all together from your page.  Anyone else see that happen?

Yes, the same here. @Arizona sunset