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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

For me, the sizing being as erratic as it is, my main complaint, or aggravation, is having to find time to take the item to the post office and wait in the long line that I always encounter there.  A total turn-off for me so I don't order like I used to.

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

That USED to be true when they refunded your S&H and charged nothing to return it. That lasted for a few years when they were first in existence, and then they did away with it. They need to also do away with the lying of "you have nothing to lose for trying," as you pointed out. It is not true.


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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

This is a joke, " You have nothing to lose". I have purchased many things from QVC and have had to return some things and I have lost alot.  I do try and only buy what I think I really want because it really hurts to see those charges for nothing.  i find myself watching for information and checking out Amazon where I pay no shipping..QVC you are big enough to do something about this policy.  Charging for shipping for both ways is a bit of an over kill and stops the consumer from buying..

 I realize this is the way it is and I am stuck with it when I  choose to buy,,

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

Regardless of three return cost being 10 $or 13$ there has been a ton of encouragement to just try the merchandise get it home get more than one ...that would be twice the cost of shipping and you loose 2x so yes I think the hosts should cut that talking point out and frame this selling point in another way The job is to sell clothes but they have got to be more mindful
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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

[ Edited ]

@millieshops wrote:



I have returned only one clothing item since the new policy went into effect -  and the way I look at it, that return cost me an extra $3 compared to the old policy.  I always paid to return items that came to me in good condition, so the 6.95 was not new.  The $3 was.  For me, that $3 of new charge has been offset about 40 times by reduced cost for shipping other items and even reduced shipping cost on the few clothing items I bought.


Although I will never again shop with the same silly abandon I did at one time, I'm actually spending more at QVC than I spend at any other general retailer.  That's primarily because I've been disappointed in the last several years with the quality at Chico's, Macy's, and even Nordstrom - all places where I used to treat myself quite lacishly.




Boy not me... I'm not shopping as much either, but when I am shopping, it's not here... And regardless of the math... that try on fee is one of several reasons why... It's particularly a deterrent when considering one of the many items that ships for far more than three bucks... That try on fee approaches twenty bucks for some items... There's just no way...

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

Your explanation of shipping charges is incorrect. I have returned plenty of times, and I watch my refunds very closely.


On an item that ships for 3.00 , you will be out 10.00 to try something as you noted. You will be out the original 3.00 to ship to you, and you will be out 6.95 to ship back. That is it---10.00. I have no idea how you are coming up with 3.00 more when your math example clearly shows a refund of 10.00 less--not 13.00 less. 


I also think the customer service person you spoke to was confused.  


Nonetheless, you are correct--it costs you at a minimum 10.00 to try something. Some items cost more than 3.00 to ship, so somtimes you are out more than 10.00 .

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

And for some items the try me fee gets even worse.....most handbags you have to pay $12.22 for that makes it almost a $20 "try me fee" ($12.22 + 6.95)---no thanks .....

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

I remember the 1960's with sayings like that to prevent drug use. It's not much different today is it with any product. 

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

The statement on Q's website, re: the convenience of using the prepaid return label, isn't entirely accurate. It claims we don't have to wait in line at the Post Office or Shipping Center. Well, if l just drop off my package without waiting in line for a receipt, how do l prove l sent it back if it gets lost in transit??

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

@Spurt wrote:

And for some items the try me fee gets even worse.....most handbags you have to pay $12.22 for that makes it almost a $20 "try me fee" ($12.22 + 6.95)---no thanks .....

@Spurt: And some boots have shipping fees similar to those for handbags, and that's even more risky. If the boots don't fit-- and there's always a good chance they won't-- you've also lost $20. 👎

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~