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"You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

totally not true!  Hosts need to stop saying that!


You have about $10 to lose in shipping an item back ($6.95 shipping label PLUS... ANOTHER $3.00 in S & H,  plus you are not refunded your original $3.00 S & H.


Here's the scenario: 


Item price: $49.50

S&H: $3.00

Tax: $3.94

Total:  $56.44


Return: $56.44 beginning amount

Shipping Label - $6.95

Pay S&H  AGAIN -$3.00

Total refund amount: $ 46.49


So, I'm paying $3.00 to ship the item to me--a charge I "lose" as it is not refunded (I guess I'm OK with that- and by the way I paid another $3.00 for an additional item that was shipped in the SAME bag)

Then I'm paying another $3.00 to send it BACK to you. But WAIT...I'm already using your $6.95 Shipping label. 


Well, I thought it was a shipping label:


From the QVC website: 

What's a Q Return Label?

A Q Return Label is a special bar-coded label that's affixed to your order's pack slip and can be used to return the majority of items back to QVC.

Using this label gives you the convenience of sending back an item without having to insure your package and without having to wait in line at the Post Office or a Shipping Center to purchase return shipping. The Q Return Label contains all the information about your order so that return shipping fees are deducted from your refund. 


Turns out the  $6.95,  covers insuring the package, and my precious time standing in line. That's it!  


It's another $3 S & H to send the item back.


So, my bad for assuming the return label actually covered return shipping.


And, unless you're positive you are keeping something, my advice is never to do  4 easy payments, etc.  You can never totally figure out your refund, except it usually means you OWE QVC. 

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

A joke.  Who do they think they're fooling?

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

[ Edited ]

I  had never even seen the section or posted online before but my first post here was last spring after I discovered exactly what you did. I was roundly criticized for being inaccurate. I was not inaccurate. What you say is exactly true. It is why I have ordered very little this year. I made a mistake when I loved a denim and Company duster sweater of ordering it in three colors only to find out that the size  chart was off, so I had to return those and order the smaller size in and they didn't fit so I returned six sweaters you could only imagine the cost. I could've bought a couple of sweaters for that. I have found a couple of other denim and company sweaters that I liked this fall and I did buy them even though I swore I would not buy anything else. But I am extremely careful, despite which I wasted a lot of money ordering those duster sweaters. I can only blame myself because I know sizing is inconsistent these days on QVC and I know that it costs about 10 bucks for the equivalent of going into a dressing room to try something on. Would you pay your store $10 to let you into a dressing room just to try something on?

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

If the show hosts are still saying that, then they need to be updated on the current shipping/return policies so that they take that statement out of their rhetoric.    


I would imagine they would be familiar, since it's been a while, but maybe they don't know what the current dealio is.  Smiley Happy

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

Your math is off.  Well, the math is correct, but your explanation is not.
Your original total was $56.44 (which included the $3 shipping plus tax).  When you returned it, you paid $6.95 (which was the return shipping and insurance using the label).  The $6.95 was reduced from the total along with the original $3 shipping (since QVC does not refund original shipping unless the item is defective).  This leaves you with a total refund of $46.49.
If you had been charged an additional $3, your refund would have been $46.49 ($46.44 - ($3 oringal shipping) - ($6.95 return label) - ($3 additional shipping you claim you paid)).
The math is simple, and you are simpy claiing QVC did something that they did not do.  While I can appreciate not being happy about the shipping charges, the fact is QVC is clear about its shipping policies, these policies have been in plae in 18 February 2015, all customers were notified of the changes via email and USPS, the issues has been discussed on these forums ad nauseum for almost 18 months, and he math backs up QVC and shows that they did nothing nefarious.



@cali-girl wrote:

totally not true!  Hosts need to stop saying that!


You have about $10 to lose in shipping an item back ($6.95 shipping label PLUS... ANOTHER $3.00 in S & H,  plus you are not refunded your original $3.00 S & H.


Here's the scenario: 


Item price: $49.50

S&H: $3.00

Tax: $3.94

Total:  $56.44


Return: $56.44 beginning amount

Shipping Label - $6.95

Pay S&H  AGAIN -$3.00

Total refund amount: $ 46.49


So, I'm paying $3.00 to ship the item to me--a charge I "lose" as it is not refunded (I guess I'm OK with that- and by the way I paid another $3.00 for an additional item that was shipped in the SAME bag)

Then I'm paying another $3.00 to send it BACK to you. But WAIT...I'm already using your $6.95 Shipping label. 


Well, I thought it was a shipping label:


From the QVC website: 

What's a Q Return Label?

A Q Return Label is a special bar-coded label that's affixed to your order's pack slip and can be used to return the majority of items back to QVC.

Using this label gives you the convenience of sending back an item without having to insure your package and without having to wait in line at the Post Office or a Shipping Center to purchase return shipping. The Q Return Label contains all the information about your order so that return shipping fees are deducted from your refund. 


Turns out the  $6.95,  covers insuring the package, and my precious time standing in line. That's it!  


It's another $3 S & H to send the item back.


So, my bad for assuming the return label actually covered return shipping.


And, unless you're positive you are keeping something, my advice is never to do  4 easy payments, etc.  You can never totally figure out your refund, except it usually means you OWE QVC. 


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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

I totally agree with you - I thought briefly about buying the TSV, but thought to myself, if this was on HSN - first, it would have been free shipping and that would have given me some incentive to buy.  Second, the sizing on shoes at the Q are so screwy!  The chances of having to send them back is huge!  And thirdly, it was the idea of losing money if I sent it back and their ridiculous shipping charges and return charges.  So, it's a pass,yet again.  I'll buy something locally so if it doesn't fit I don't have to pay to return it. 

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

It's true that you are not refunded original shipping or the cost to return, so you do pay essentially a $10 fee to try on and return clothing if you use the QVC return label.


But I am backing KYToby on this one, the QVC return label does include the postage charge. Your math example even shows this. You are not charged an additional return postage fee in addition to the QVC label charge. The $3 that was not refunded was your original fee to send the item to you. And if you return a heavy or bulky item, the QVC label is often less expensive than paying UPS or USPS rates.

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Registered: ‎06-21-2010

Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

@ KY Toby


you commented: "If you had been charged an additional $3, your refund would have been $46.49 ($46.44 - ($3 oringal shipping) - ($6.95 return label) - ($3 additional shipping you claim you paid))."


I'm confused by the point you are trying to make:   My refund IS  $46.49 [see post], and the QVC customer service rep confimed earlier today that I am correct in saying there was an additional  shipping charge of $3.00 that was deducted to send the package back , and that the return label (as stated on their website) covers only  insurance and not having to wait in line to pay postage.  


Additionally their website says: The Q Return Label contains all the information about your order so that return shipping fees are deducted from your refund


My comment was not to imply QVC did anything nefarious. It's is simply to warn other customers to be vary of costs.  My original shipping and handling charge was not refunded (nor did I expect it to be). I paid an additional $3 to send the package back. Also confirmed by QVC customer service.


While YOU may know that this has been discussed, as you say , ad nauseum, for 18 months, clearly I am not a frequent commenter/ watcher/ purchaser/returner to have been aware of this.  Just passing the message on that it's not "free" to try. Then it's up to the customer to decide if it's worth the "try" and for some items perhaps it is!

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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE

I have no problem with fees , they are what they are and it's my choice whether or not to shop  here. That being said I do have a problem with encouraging people to try, and than chiding them for returning too much . I myself try not to order anything questionable, because to me  returning is a PITA.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: "You have nothing to lose" for trying= NOT TRUE



I have returned only one clothing item since the new policy went into effect -  and the way I look at it, that return cost me an extra $3 compared to the old policy.  I always paid to return items that came to me in good condition, so the 6.95 was not new.  The $3 was.  For me, that $3 of new charge has been offset about 40 times by reduced cost for shipping other items and even reduced shipping cost on the few clothing items I bought.


Although I will never again shop with the same silly abandon I did at one time, I'm actually spending more at QVC than I spend at any other general retailer.  That's primarily because I've been disappointed in the last several years with the quality at Chico's, Macy's, and even Nordstrom - all places where I used to treat myself quite lacishly.