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Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

Every time I see this on QVC, I'm intrigued.  Then I see a half mix of either 5 star or 1 star reviews.  Seems it either works or it doesn't.  I am specifically interested in it's ability to start a car if battery dies in our freezing northeastern winters.  I would appreciate any input from people who have used (or tried to use) in this capacity.  Thanks!!

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Posts: 645
Registered: ‎12-28-2017

Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

[ Edited ]

Check where your battery is located to see if it will even work with your vehicle. 

I've had my Halo for 2 years and never had a chance to use it. Just last week my battery died so I was excited to finally try it. Popped the hood and realized my battery is buried under things that there's no way I'm removing to get to it.  Can't even see the clamp area. 

So it turns out my halo is useless for jumps and I still had to call AAA. 


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Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

@Derwin28 wrote:

Every time I see this on QVC, I'm intrigued.  Then I see a half mix of either 5 star or 1 star reviews.  Seems it either works or it doesn't.  I am specifically interested in it's ability to start a car if battery dies in our freezing northeastern winters.  I would appreciate any input from people who have used (or tried to use) in this capacity.  Thanks!!

@Derwin28 We've used our halo bolts a half dozen times. Took less than a minute to start up the car everytime. We are in very cold Colorado. 

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎08-29-2017

Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

I love mine and have used it many times.  I agree with previous poster, though, check to make sure your battery posts are easy to get to.

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Registered: ‎06-08-2020

Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

[ Edited ]


I bought it about 18 months ago. I charged it, stuck it in the trunk and it sat there until about 2 months ago. Car was parked in our garage and my husband left the trunk open, returned to the garage 2 days later and found the cars battery dead. Within seconds the car turned over. About 3 weeks later,a similar situation, and bang it turned over again. I would recommend it. Makes a great gift.

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Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

@Derwin28 wrote:

Every time I see this on QVC, I'm intrigued.  Then I see a half mix of either 5 star or 1 star reviews.  Seems it either works or it doesn't.  I am specifically interested in it's ability to start a car if battery dies in our freezing northeastern winters.  I would appreciate any input from people who have used (or tried to use) in this capacity.  Thanks!!

@Derwin28   I have purchased about 5 of these.  I would not be without them.  I gave a few for gifts and everyone loves them.  I just had a chance to jump my battery this week and it started right up.  Saved me.  I gave one to my son a few years ago and he called one day and said thet bolt saved me.  It is worth the money!   

Posts: 36
Registered: ‎02-11-2019

Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

My husband has one in his truck. Last season, him and 2 buddys were tailgating - and when they got back to the truck after the game, his truck needed a jump.


His friends were freaking out (the parkling lot was almost cleared out) and my husband kept saying "no problem". He pulled out the Halo. His friends were saying there is no way that little thing is going to jump start the truck.


Well, it WORKED! Started the truck no problem.


So, it really works.


We also like to have one around the house for when the power goes out. I can use it to charge phones and tablets.



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,730
Registered: ‎07-26-2019

Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

[ Edited ]

 Not sure how reliable  the  Halo Bolt is.

 Bought 2 JumpSmart combo  jumpstarter /  flashlight / power bank  in 2019 from QVC. I kept one and gave the other as a gift . Mine works fine , however  the one I gave as a gift apparently  didn't work.  The  gift receiver  didn't tell me for several months . Of course the QVC guarantee  had expired. I contacted Limitless Innovations and  they honored the warrenty , however their policy was to  try to repair  the item. The flashlight did not work  and it would not fully charge.  They said they could not exchange for a new one  nor fix the  flashlight . I was told the jumpstart funtion worked . I was sent a repaired one . They  paid for shipping to/ fro  and gave me an extra 6 months warrenty . Even though the company  did what they did to stand by their item. I will never buy the JumpSmart brand items ever again .

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Registered: ‎02-10-2013

Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

@Derwin28 wrote:

Every time I see this on QVC, I'm intrigued.  Then I see a half mix of either 5 star or 1 star reviews.  Seems it either works or it doesn't.  I am specifically interested in it's ability to start a car if battery dies in our freezing northeastern winters.  I would appreciate any input from people who have used (or tried to use) in this capacity.  Thanks!!

Get it. It is fabulous. Have used it many times to start a car battery and for Halloween, I used it to light a lamp at my candy table at the end of my driveway. Holds its charge for a LONG time. I keep it in my car every day. I have not had any experience needing it in freezing temps.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 847
Registered: ‎02-27-2016

Re: Your thoughts on Halo Bolt please?

Finally got to use it after 2 years when my battery died.thought for sure it was not going to work with my luck.and guess what in 30 seconds it started and off to the car dealer to get a new need to call  AAA.

everybody should have one of these guys  its a life saver.I love it.

keep it in your car and just charge it every couple of months.