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You have got to be kidding me!

Is it just me or does anyone else think this is ridiculous?? Today’s Carole Hochman special value is a PAJAMA set and Pat is wearing it with a white jean jacket and platform sandals! I don’t know about you, but I would not be caught dead trying to “dress it up” for wearing it out socially! Sheesh, what’s next??
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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

@sunchildlol  I don't even dress that well to go to bed! 


But -  looking around sometimes, I'm sure I'm seeing PJ's out and about. 


Maybe if I actually bought something new and complete, I'd wear them out to pick up my morning paper or even go to the mailbox in them????  Just seems a silly way to spend clothes money to someone who lives alone and chooses to sleep alone!

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

It's better than what I've seen when out and about. 

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

ITA!!! They are PJs meant to be worn in the house. I would not wear them out and about.

I do see people with their pjs & slippers on while shopping. Guess they are too lazy to get dressed.

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

I didn't see that but the mental image is drop dead   It's in tune with the silliness of wearing pj's and lounge wear everywhere you go.  QVC for odd reason is all about  putting customers in pj's and nightgowns and telling them they can "dress them up or dress them down".   Yes, life is more casual now but not THAT casual.  

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

Go shopping at the huge retailer that starts with a W. Lots of people in PJs.  It must be the newest fashion statement.  No worse than L..o, pitched on QVC.

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

I love Pat but she or the stylist got it wrong this time. I am so tired of seeing people shopping in their PJ's. They even wear fuzzy slippers now.

I saw a middle aged man at the bank in the middle of winter with socks and no shoes on. The teller said he comes in sometimes with a suit and tie with just socks. Go figure.

The only time I wore PJ's out with a coat was when my kids missed the bus and I had to drive them to school in a hurry...even then I put shoes on and I was nervous I would get caught in my PL's.

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

It's a t-shirt and capri pants. If it didn't say pajama in the name, I would not know it was a pajama set.

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

@maximillianYou don't even need to go there.  Go to any box store or any other discount store.  Today's TSV would often be a big upgrade.

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

I have worn my PJ top to the Doctor when I needed a "button down the front" top.  I got some that were not a crazy print.  Like you said, just a knit top!  


I've often wondered if that is why they are usually weird (to me) prints?  Maybe not to compete with the fashion industry?  I would not wear my "doggie" print ones out in public but I love them!