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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

I guess I’m missing out on all the fashion trends since I’m not a Wally World shopper. Need to get out more 🤣🤣🤣
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Re: You have got to be kidding me!



To see people in pj's in public screams LAZYNESS!  c'mon u cant even throw on some sweats or clothes?? i see it too out. alot.

Thats 1 thing i love about watching Mad Men. people took pride in how they looked.

NOT NOW!   geez!


always wondered why Carole Hockman pjs are so expensive? i mean they are PJ'S and still more expensive than regular dressy clothes ??

I buy nice pjs at dept. stores on clearance for 1/4 of price.


pjs are meant for relaxing and taking off the work clothes, not to be that casual out and about. then theres nothing to look forward to in coming home and getting into relaxing clothes at end of day!

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

Pat carries her weight around the middle.  This top is probably showcasing her issue, so she threw on a jacket.  What's the big deal?  

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

Whew, Im glad others thought it was silly, thought it was just me.

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!



I, too, like Pat.  She does look wierd.


Nothing surprises me in this day in time.


With Pat looking like this, can you imagine what, Kristan, Jennifer or Shawn will look like, if they are on air today...Just saying!!lol

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

[ Edited ]


To me they are the same thing as the "wide leg" silk or liquid knit or whatever pants sold by every "designer" here and everywhere else.

Pretty, colorful, comfortable-whats not to like?

And yes I am starting a new trend!

My daughter says:"Mom you cannot wear pajamas out!"

But everytime, someone all different ages says, I love your pants! And she liked mine so much that I got the other day, she wanted some too.

A lady stopped me the other day and said-"oh you have pajamas!" she screamed! You are a nurse and wearing scrubs!

No, I said these are pajamas. "I know, she said I was just teasing you.They are cute."She was kind of weird.

I told her "I am starting a new trend.


So sue me!😃

Honestly, you know why I get them? Because I have not been able to find comfortable and light breathable for summer long pants. I have looked online and in stores. And those jeans with stretch are so hot. I have tried linen and gauze to no end. I would like a pair of nice comfortable nice looking pants, I just don't have them. I do have nice ones for winter.

I do have pretty skirts and dresses that I wear when I'm going somewhere with others that might think-hey! You can't wear your pajamas! (Like church or a nice restaurant or a celebration or something)

So forgeddaboudit! I'm wearing my pajamas to my hearts content and I think everyone will wish they had some too!


Oh and PS-

I ahem put a lot of thought into what top I am matching with my great pajama bottoms! I like them better than my ugly plain sweats and I would not ever wear leggings out as a bottom. I've got my pride lol! Really you all, you've got to try it! You don't know what you're missingSmiley Happy

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

I just hate the long top short jacket look. I have yet to see anyone that it flatters. JMO.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

For me personally I have no desire to wear my PJ's as clothes. I feel totally different when I am in PJ's....I feel kind of lazy and not one bit attractive. 

I feel totally different when I get dressed for the day. My confidence level is higher and I feel better about myself.  

To each her/his own...I know it's not for me.

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Re: You have got to be kidding me!

@DREAMON wrote:

For me personally I have no desire to wear my PJ's as clothes. I feel totally different when I am in PJ's....I feel kind of lazy and not one bit attractive. 

I feel totally different when I get dressed for the day. My confidence level is higher and I feel better about myself.  

To each her/his own...I know it's not for me.

My thoughts exactly, @DREAMON.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: You have got to be kidding me!

Maybe it's chilly and she's running out to her mailbox to pick up the mail.


No I wouldn never wear pjs shopping or anywhere really out but I would wear cute ones to get the mail, take the dog out or sit in my yard if it's a nice warm morning.