Posts: 47
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

I enjoy cocktails or a glass of wine but not at work.  Why does qvc think that have hosts drinking wine is going to help their sales.  It is not a party or happy hour they are sales people. Stop the chatting and describe the items.  One host not two or three. Just my opinion.  We as customers can sit at home enjoying a glass of wine but not appropriate in the work place.

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i have no problem with them sipping on a glass of wine or a fake cocktail or grape juice.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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It must be Friday.


@Patgo   You see them hold wine but do you ever see them actually drink it?


Same post by somebody every week.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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It's FAKE people....a PROP.


There is NO WAY QVC is going to open itself to a lawsuit by serving alcohol to hosts who drive home after thier shows, many of them at night.


It's apple juice, grape juice or colored water.


Just like ALL the other props on the stages.


Meant to convey conviviality and fun and joy and how YOU can have the same if you'd just order one or two of "X".....

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It's not wine. Would QVC's legal depth allow that? The first time a host leaves work and causes an accident they would be wide open to law suits. I'd be surprised if they were that stupid, to have employees drink on the job. (Then again, who knows.)


But, unless they are presenting wine, I've never seen hosts drinking their "wine." The put the glass to their lips and the camera cuts away. Also I noticed that their wine stays at the same level in the glass. Are they being topped up constantly?  Oh, and Vanessa admitted during one of her shows that the "champagne " she and the models pour is actually ginger ale.


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@Kachina624 wrote:

It must be Friday.


@Patgo   You see them hold wine but do you ever see them actually drink it?


Same post by somebody every week.

@Kachina624 , You know after the melt downs this week,  a weekly anti wine post doesn't bother me at all. 😁

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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@Patgo wrote:

I enjoy cocktails or a glass of wine but not at work.  Why does qvc think that have hosts drinking wine is going to help their sales.  It is not a party or happy hour they are sales people. Stop the chatting and describe the items.  One host not two or three. Just my opinion.  We as customers can sit at home enjoying a glass of wine but not appropriate in the work place.

I agree, I was just thinking the same thing before I shut it off.  I'm sick of it it's just not the time or place for it, call me a prud if you want but I and I know others find it not only  rediculouis but offensive. And now it appears not only are the host doing it but the venders also. It's just not a good look.  Please just stop with all the foolishness and try working on giving us more infomation on what your selling.  

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My office ends every Friday with a happy hour. The owner serves us a round of drinks while we recap the week. It’s not the only place I’ve worked with this tradition.

Some of you clearly need a drink.
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Sounds like the "owner" is willing to take the responsibility if something happens. Including being sued out of existence.


QVC doesn't have an 'owner"'s a publicly held company with EXTREMELY deep corporate profits, leaving them susceptible to huge lawsuits...

THINK if your family was injured or worse in a car hit by a Qurate host on the way home, 

with alcolol on thier breath, who babbles they had it on the set while selling stuff over at the QVC campus.


You'd sue them blind.


And you'd be right to do so.


Deep Pockets.


And "not me I wouldn't sue I'm not like that'' nonsense ...thank you.

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

sorry  I did not see the previous post about this.   I did not think about it being fake or legal problems.  I guess it boils down to just thinking they should sell and describe the items and not pretend it is a party.   Have a good night everyone.