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Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

I've tuned in to  ITKWD a few times lately and I have noticed they feature the TSV (no matter what it is!) 45+minutes why not just feature ITKWD for 2 hours vs. filling a hour with a TSV? 


then I look at the program guide & the following hour is the TSV again!


Just a suggestion.


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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

One of the many reasons why I never watch QVC on Sundays any longer.

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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

@homedecor1 wrote:

I've tuned in to  ITKWD a few times lately and I have noticed they feature the TSV (no matter what it is!) 45+minutes why not just feature ITKWD for 2 hours vs. filling a hour with a TSV? 


then I look at the program guide & the following hour is the TSV again!


Just a suggestion.



Combine all of that with the constant happy dancing and eye rolling and it equals why I no longer tune in.  

~Breathe In~ Breathe Out~ Move On~
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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

I agree .... in the middle of a cooking show we have to see a mattress, computer, pillow or whatever the TSV is for that day plus we have to look at it for 30 to 45 minutes .... too many TSV shows .... it's sickening!!!!!

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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

IMHO, the POB think they've captured a sizeable audience, compared to the number of customers normally tuned in for most other shows. Therefore, upping TSV sales, right? Wrong.


The POB haven't taken into consideration one little, yet powerful item, the remote!Woman LOL I'm sure they lose a sizeable number of those "captured", resulting in many loss sales 'cause, like me, I'm sure many of us don't tune back or back in time to see some kitchen item(s) following the TSVWoman Frustrated.


Perhaps QVC should reconsider their airing practices!

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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

Today was ridiculous with 45 minutes of the Echo on David's show.

At least it was only on one time.  When David's show is 4 hours they cram two presentations of the TSV in.  I guess QVC has realized that David can selll anything successfully with over 5,000 of the Echo sold on his show today.  What they don't seem to realize is how many customers are unhappy about these TSV's that don't relate to "The Kitchen" and change the channel and don't tune back in.  I've been a loyal watcher of ITKWD but I'm getting to the point where I'll just go on line to see what is offered.  An hour before and one hour after is more than enough!!!!!  Come on QVC get back to the title of the show "In the KITCHEN with David".

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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

A bit much! Repeating and repeating. Anyone that gets online or tunes in already knows what the TSV is, they really do not have to be so ridiculously repeating themselves. 

I mean maybe someone missed it the first 100 times! 😉


(And , I used to watch David once in awhile on a rainy or cold Sunday,  now, no.)

-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

Two thumbs up , for that. To many interuptions for the TSV.

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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

[ Edited ]

Oh that is the final jeopardy question. How much are you willing to wager on a topic you will never get a true answer for? By the way, it's in sanity points as to why q does the things they do. 

Why do fast food places are remodeling into 2 ordering lanes but still only have 1 pay and 1 drive thru window?

Why does your favorite radio station suddenly switch formats?

Why is your favorite tv show cancelled?

Why does qvc continue to allow their sales people to spend 59 minutes blabbering on about vacays,kids, themselves and 1 min talking about the actual product. You wonder why some of the vendors have to YELL or talk non stop..CAUSE THEY HAVETOO! 

Why does qvc CONSTANTLY air the same items 24 hours a,clothes,cooking/food, electronics,vacuums when according to a stockholders meeting posted earlier these items are tanking in sales for the past 5 years?


I will give you the educated answer. It is called focus groups. They get 12 peiople in a room. Bribe them with food and a token paycheck to give an"honest...answer wink wink" Believe me, I have worked in marketing long enough to know that people will say they like the product just to get called back, a paycheck,a job, a chance to maybe catch a "celebrity" eating a bagel in the cafe or adjusting themselves coming out of bathroom.

Alot of time its just to get away from the spouse or kids for a day.


Sometimes it is a email,a phone call or a survey in the mal. The problem is, something that may work in area say the south, does not work in the east. Qvc has people who get paid to market. They say sales go up when someone talks about their family or some starstruck person gets to talk on air. Do you think the caller is going to tell the host to shut up, not blabber on about the 599th trip to disney or dance recitals and just sell the blessed product? Or will the censors let someone who has had a bad experience? 


Who knows why the powers that be do what they do completely. Apparently that picture of the boss playing golf with Satan has landed in certain hands. That may be enough to secure a place on a lifeboat of a distressed ship if needed.

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Re: Why not just do 2 hours ITKWD

At one time, I regularly watched ITKWD, but when the TSV started appearing regularly I lost interest. If it was just 10 minutes it wouldn't be so bad, but the 30-minute segments are deal breakers for me. The flow of the show is disrupted, and the high number of food items is also a negative for me. Once I sit stupified for a bit, snap out of it, and move on, I don't return. I blame the programmers, not David. As a host, David is always gracious with guests and callers; has a pleasant, calm delivery; and is very well prepared. I do appreciate this as it shows respect for his audience. When the good hosts, like David, are paired with the not so good, the difference is glaring.