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Why are the various product vendors not back live in the studio and also why are there not more models on stage together in the fashion shows?  The country is pretty much opened back up and I sure miss the on-air vendors, like VPH, IM, SG, etc. and also sorely miss more models to get a better idea of what the clothing will look like.  I sure hope it is just around the corner and will return very soon!

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You'd have to ask the people that make those decisions.

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I'm fine with the vendors not being back yet, but I do enjoy more models on set to show different sizes. I did notice they had a few on the set outside for the Isaac TSV dress, and I think last night on Fashion's Night In with Courtney there were 2 together. I think they are coming back, slowly but surely. I appreciate the company for keeping everyone safe this past year.

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@just wonder wrote:

Why are the various product vendors not back live in the studio and also why are there not more models on stage together in the fashion shows?  The country is pretty much opened back up and I sure miss the on-air vendors, like VPH, IM, SG, etc. and also sorely miss more models to get a better idea of what the clothing will look like.  I sure hope it is just around the corner and will return very soon!

@just wonder  Probably because this way is cheaper.

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Frankly I don't miss any of them.  When I watch, I tune in to see what's being sold.  I read the description, watch the video.  That's all I need to make a decision.  The rest is unnecessary fluff. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 wrote:

Frankly I don't miss any of them.  When I watch, I tune in to see what's being sold.  I read the description, watch the video.  That's all I need to make a decision.  The rest is unnecessary fluff. 

I agee with you except when the video is one of the home grown variety with bad sound, bad lighting and instead of having on-set examples of all the items being offered, the presenter has but one and then they offer screen shots of the rest from the website... Very lame...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Why isn't my vets office open either.   Every single vet's office even Emergency is closed for the owner of the pets.    It is so, not sure of the word, that they come to take your animal and you can't go in.


Yes, we are all open.

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I was just thinking this same thing yesterday. I have a feeling they realized they can actually function just fine without having the expense of paying vendors to come all the way to the studio.


I wonder if they will ever come back, quite frankly.


I do wonder how the vendors feel though. It must be hard for them to not be there to touch, show, explain, etc their own  product. Sure, they have themselves set up in a room in their homes, but it is different when they don't have the live human interaction with the host to sell their product.


Especially for certain products. I watched Chaz on his own IG while he was on air and it is really hard for him to not be physically showing on real peoples hair what he is wanting to show (at least that is how it felt to me). I can think of other products I would think the vendor would want to be there.


Not brand reps, but people who are selling their OWN brand. Their own product. They are usually very passionate about their products, and to have to wait to talk to not interrupt the host (which they can do quite easily while on set) they must see openings to insert a word or 2 but can't while remote.


Not sure how I feel about it. I do like to hear from the vendor, not the sales "numbers based" hosts.

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I am tired of seeing the vendors from their home.  The lighting is bad, as well as the sound.  Not all the colors are available, and you must view them on your computer.  Also, would like to see more models of varied sizes so I can gage how the item fits if it is apparel.


it is just a more fun experience for me to have everyone in the studio.

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@Pearlee wrote:

@just wonder wrote:

Why are the various product vendors not back live in the studio and also why are there not more models on stage together in the fashion shows?  The country is pretty much opened back up and I sure miss the on-air vendors, like VPH, IM, SG, etc. and also sorely miss more models to get a better idea of what the clothing will look like.  I sure hope it is just around the corner and will return very soon!

@just wonder  Probably because this way is cheaper.

I'm just guessing, but a number of the vendors have to fly in from other parts of the country and are probably not excited to fly yet. I wouldn't be. Smiley Happy