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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

I would feel bad for the one being laid off, but it wouldn't change my shopping here. 

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

no one......i am a frequent QVC shopper for many years now.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

I have not watched QVC since the end of last year. I have made one purchase this year and that's because it was mentioned on the forums and brought to my attention.


QVC is a business, and sometimes a business has to make tough decisions. I don't like to see anyone loose their job, but it does not affect my life in any way who they keep or decide to let go.

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

[ Edited ]

@depglass Actually, none of them. I'm just not attached to any of them.   I don't let this kind of thing dictate my shopping habits.

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

No one----but the items shown and the screeching and screaming are really bothering me. Don't watch much at all.

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

All of the current hosts I still enjoy are close to retirement age anyway so I expect them to leave in the not-too-distant future and I won't be shocked when it happens. The rest of them can go any time. Host hiring, training, and development has been going down hill for years. Mostly unwatchable.

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

I am no business genius, but if QVC banks on people watching and buying because they like a host, I'd say that perhaps in why they are going down the tubes.


People won't keep buying shoddy, overpriced junk over and over and over.  Well,not most folks won't.  Oddly QVC seems to rely on that of recent and having a lot of colors to sell useless junk.  Over and over over.  A business play which seems to be failing.  

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

Although there are three I could do without, the answer is no one. 


My shopping wouldn't change. 

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

Qurate's personnel decisions would have absolutely no impact on me if I was interested in watching and/or buying.


I must say that I'm surprised at the number of similar responses. 


I expected to see more of the favorite "popular" hosts specifically mentioned. 

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Re: Who would be your "final straw" lay-off?

@Kachina624 wrote:

Actually it would enhance my image of QVC if they'd let a couple or more of what I consider to be unwatchable hosts hit the door.  Hosting at QVC would be greatly improved with some hands-on supervision to set guidelines for performance instead of it being the free-for-all that it is now.

@Kachina624 Perfect practical statement.  It's often assumed that host behavior is direction from management, maybe the current mayhem is just what you stated, no direction at all without guidelines!