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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss that the clothes fit consistently. I miss that the jewelry was high quality, affordable and unique. I miss Motto with Amy Scaglione. It was an awesome line. Linda Davies was with Modern Soul and I think she kills every line that she takes on. At least she makes them into a line that I no longer wish to purchase from. I miss the way QVC was 8 years or so ago. I'll bet that QVC misses my money. Lol. Or, maybe not since they seem to stay the same path that has cost them a lot of sales to me.
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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss the quality and value in QVC. I never had to return as much as I do now because of defective products, clothing in the same line ordered in the same size that doesn't fit, nor do I ever recall in the good old days receiving items that were previously customer returns or items thrown in boxes without any packing peanuts or paper. I also miss the value of items when clearance, sale and TSV prices weren't just a few dollars off. I also miss the old Philosophy and the wonderful scents they used to have and the quality that line once represented.
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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss having affordable options.  I miss the Gem Days when they used to have hours filled with Onyx, Tigers Eye, Malachite, Lapis, etc. - things you could actually consider buying!


I miss shows with entertainment value like Kirks Folly.  I have never purchased anything from the Joan Rivers Line, but I enjoyed the shows because Joan was on them.  If there is still a loyal following for her products then great, but I don't watch anymore.


I miss Black Hills Gold, and I was fascinated by the Imperial Gold shows, although I could never afford to buy anything from them.


I miss Maxx New York, B. Makowsky, and Stone Mountain handbags.


I miss the variety of clothing lines each having their own niche, and not being folded in to Denim & Co.


I miss Miranda Blasingale from CitiKnits - always thought she was a hoot!  I know there were lots of other characters that I have forgotten.


Also I miss when the In The Kitchen show was mostly items that you cook with, and not half full of pre-packaged ready-to-eat or heat-and-eat foods.

"It doesn't matter if the glass is half-full or half-empty as long as you still have the rest of the bottle."
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Re: Who or What do you miss?

@qvcalot wrote:

Got my armor on too, but I really miss Lisa Robertson...she was fun and funny. I never missed PM Style and now I never watch it. She and the models had a good rapport and they were real people and hilarious at times. I loved how everyone celebrated each others birthday with a cake and balloons. Yes, I know management probably had a hand in that, however with Lisa, PM Style seemed like family. Shawn just does not cut it as the host for this arena!!! Used to look forward to Monday nights at more. Nothing against Shawn, just doesn't jibe with this particular segment. Didn't care for Mrs. Bennett in this segment either. She tried so hard but nah!!! I know Lisa won't be back, but couldn't we find someone else for the shows that Lisa excelled in? Beauty, fashion and jewelry. Please make PM Style enjoyable again, please!!!!!! And good try, but the Jill person that does G.I.L.I. just doesn't cut it. Check your account balance, I live for QVC!!!!


I agree with you about Lisa's loss and the lack of appeal of the entire Monday night lineup.  Can't say I agree, though, that I live for QVC.  I never did, but I especially don't anymore.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss Silver Style--with either Jane T or Jill.


I miss the all day crafting, and the scrapbooking shows


The quilt shows.  I have some quilts from those shows and they are really nice


Lisa Mason presenting Diamonique!


I miss the calm hosting style.  QVC was so confident back then in their products that they didn't need the hosts to lay it on so thick to sell a product.

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I only starting actively watching about 5 years ago. My grandmother watched all the time and she became an invalid so I took care of her before she recently passed this past year. Anyone she got me hooked....we loved Joan Rivers and Lisa Robertson. I truly miss them both. I am not a big spender so I am sure QVC could care less about my two cents but the loss if Lisa Robertson had to do some damage. Now...the new boards....whaaa what a Debbie Downer! Ugh, I like to read them and it became part of my nightly routine, it hard for me to shut down at night and the board/forum is pretty boring these days! Mmmm, oh yeah, I also loved PM style with Lisa and liked her Friday night show. I do like Shawn and really do not have anyone I can't watch but there are vendors that I sometimes have trouble watching.
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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I loved Jessica Holbrook, which became Dialogue. Classy clothing.

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss Lisa Robertson and Joan Rivers.

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss the format of these boards the way they use to be, before these last changes. 

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I opened up this thread thinking that it was a different type of discussion.


I miss my grandmother. She passed in 1998, and she helped raise me. She was quite simply the best.