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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I still miss Motto. The early styles were really nice and trendy
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss the old Q.  I miss the old forum, I miss the great shows with Leslie and Lisa and BE.  I miss BE before it sold.  I miss Lisa R.  I miss Kirk's Folly, I wasn't wild about the product but I loved the quircky show.  Now it just seems like there is nothing new here at all.  So sad, they had something great and let it slip away.

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

Wasn't Linda Dialogue?
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Registered: ‎04-20-2013

Re: Who or What do you miss?

Modern Soul. Forgot all about that line
Posts: 29
Registered: ‎09-29-2013

Re: Who or What do you miss?

Got my armor on too, but I really miss Lisa Robertson...she was fun and funny. I never missed PM Style and now I never watch it. She and the models had a good rapport and they were real people and hilarious at times. I loved how everyone celebrated each others birthday with a cake and balloons. Yes, I know management probably had a hand in that, however with Lisa, PM Style seemed like family. Shawn just does not cut it as the host for this arena!!! Used to look forward to Monday nights at more. Nothing against Shawn, just doesn't jibe with this particular segment. Didn't care for Mrs. Bennett in this segment either. She tried so hard but nah!!! I know Lisa won't be back, but couldn't we find someone else for the shows that Lisa excelled in? Beauty, fashion and jewelry. Please make PM Style enjoyable again, please!!!!!! And good try, but the Jill person that does G.I.L.I. just doesn't cut it. Check your account balance, I live for QVC!!!!

Posts: 29
Registered: ‎09-29-2013

Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss Motto too. They were always on trend and they always fit when you ordered them.

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Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss Lisa Robertson too, I started watching QVC on a Saturday nite,  many years ago,during one of Lisa and Leslie funny BE shows.   They were having so much fun, how could you not laugh.  I looked forward to PM style every Monday night.  Coming home on Monday knowing that Lisa would be on for 3 hours was great, even if I didn't buy anything the show was funny,  I almost never wtach QVC anymore.  I might watch a BE, philosophy or temptations show, but that is it.  

I think lisa leaving QVC was sad..

Posts: 24
Registered: ‎04-04-2015

Re: Who or What do you miss?

I too miss my Monday night PM style.  I just can't watch it any more!  I used to enjoy settling in and watching every Monday night.  I enjoyed Lisa Robertson, but I enjoy so many of the other hosts too - Jayne, Leah, Pat, Mary Beth...I know I'm leaving some out.  Some of the newer ones I can be patient with knowing they are still learning their craft and hopefully will be as professional as the "veterans".  The only one that I cannot watch at all is the one that QVC seems to be promoting the most heavily!  I miss being able to turn on QVC and enjoy whoever is on and not " oh no, it's her again!"

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

Loved the 50 in 50 tour....that was back in 1995.  I'm still using a few of the items from that tour:  a stained glass nightlight, a handmade accent table, a birdhouse.  Kathy Levine was a hoot on that tour!  I miss all the old hosts who have moved on or passed on.  I guess that's because I've grown older right along with them.  I also miss the old teddy bear and doll shows.  I know they were a bit campy, but they were fun.

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎02-20-2015

Re: Who or What do you miss?

I too miss Lisa Robertson!  I love Shawnee-Sue, however, on her Beauty shows, Accessorize and most of all, with Isaac!  Shawn has enthusiasm for the products that she loves and I find her soul jewlery offerings to be delightful.  Even though she has had a horrendous year, she continually offers hope and smiles to us, and I am touched by that.  I smile the entire hour that she is on with Isaac - their on-air relationship is hysterical and I have both their Monday evening and Friday morning shows set to record on the DVR.  I look forward to more of Dennis Basso this fall.